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“You don’t even want to think about it, huh?” she asked, amused.


“I’ve set you up so many times I’ve lost count—”

“And I told you before you did that nothing was going to come of it.” I appreciated her efforts, all of my friends’ efforts, but I wouldn’t ever have what some of them did. They were all in committed relationships. Cagan, Bennett, and I were the only single ones. And that was fine by me. Although, none of them, except Cagan, knew about Father’s insane plans. Plans that I still had no idea how to get out of.

“You’re not the type who needs someone else to be happy, Beau. But as long as you keep holding on to the past, you’re always going to be stuck there.”

I scowled. “Why do you have to be so reasonable?”

“It’s always much easier to solve other people’s problems than your own.”

There was something in her tone I didn’t like. “You know you can talk to me.”

“I do, but I can’t handle your brutal honesty.”

“Yet I’m supposed to take yours?” I asked incredulously.

She laughed, and I did too. “Yes. Yes, you are.”

“Of course.” I smiled. I had missed her so much.

“So, it’s not long until the wedding now. You excited?”

“Super excited. It’s been nice seeing my brothers again. And Pepper is so perfect for Teague. He’s warmer. Softer somehow. Lincoln too. I like it for both of them.”

“I bet. It’s your turn next. Do you think they’d come see you in London? It’s been years since we saw them.”

My turn next. Would they come see me in London? Now that was a question. Would I be “allowed” to return to London was more what Father probably thought I’d be asking. Shit. Two giant albatrosses hanging around my neck.

The doorbell rang in the background. “Oh, shoot. I forgot the plumber was coming this morning.”

“I’m glad you called.”

“Me too.” Her shoes clacked on the hardwood floors. “You’re not coming back, are you?”

There was no accusation in her voice. More like she recognized something I wouldn’t admit.

“I plan to.” Though with every passing day returning to London became more and less appealing. I missed my friends but loved being with my family in New York. Although I might be returning to my life sooner than I thought if I couldn’t fix my problem.

“Then we’ll be waiting with the welcome mat rolled out.”

Chapter Twenty-Two


“Yo.Anybody actually do any work around here? Maybe I need to put in for a transfer.”

Logan Burke sauntered into the station with a cocky grin.

“You can’t keep up at this station,” Vigiano called as he looked through the cards in his hands.

It was late. Poker chips littered the table. We’d been back from a two-alarm for half an hour and needed to unwind. There’d been a body. Likely dead before the fire, but still.

“I’ll run circles around all of you.”

“Did you come to stir up shit, Burke?” I flicked my chin. “’Cause I’d say it’s a success.” I threw a chip at him and grinned when it bounced off.
