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My adrenaline pumped through my veins at lightning speed. Beau was the strongest person I knew. I’d never heard her voice quaver. Not even all those years ago.

But that single sentence had scared the life out of me.

I’d driven in record time, couldn’t even remember how I’d gotten here.

Her slender form came into view. She was hunched, like she wanted to be invisible. Not the confident woman I knew.

I skidded to a stop, leaned over, and opened the passenger side door. She shook as she climbed inside.

Some of her hair was loose from where she had it pulled back, like it had been yanked free. She had no shoes. No purse.

What the hell happened to you, Beau?

She refused to look at me.

A car turned, the headlights shining on her face. The pink of her lipstick was smeared on her cheek.

I white-knuckled the steering wheel as the pieces added up to a full picture.

Rage like I’d never felt burned every cell of my being.

She closed the door. I crept forward but pulled into the first empty spot on the street.

“Keep driving. As far away from here as you can.”

I didn’t recognize her voice. Pain was laced in every syllable and it stabbed at the heart I didn’t think I had anymore.

“Are you okay?”

It was the dumbest question ever asked. One look at her and I knew she wasn’t.

I touched her knee and she flinched. “Tell me what hurts.”

What I wanted to know was who did this to her. The demand for answers was on the tip of my tongue. But she was the most important thing right now.

I’d find out who laid a finger on her. And they’d regret the day they ever did.

“D-drive. Please.”

Against my better judgment, I did as she asked.

I was trained to handle stressful situations. How to stay calm and keep a level head. I did it every day.

But I could barely keep the truck in my lane. I ran another red light, this time not on purpose, and narrowly missed another car.

Concentrate, asshole. Keep her safe.

Is anything broken?

Who did this?

How badly are you hurt?

Who did this?

Should I take her to the hospital?

Who did this?
