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Father wrinkled his nose as if he’d smelled something foul.

Teague focused on me. “What’s the rush? If this is your guy, bring him over for dinner. Let us get to know him.” He motioned toward me. “We already know he’s not good enough for you.”

I swallowed hard. My eyes stung as I prayed the threatening tears would stay contained.

It was an odd moment for a revelation, but I realized I didn’t need all the things I thought I wanted from my father.

Because I was already loved beyond measure by my incredible brothers.

Which was why I had to put them first.

“It’s all happening so fast,” I whispered. That much was the truth.

“When you know, you know,” Father said. We all stared at him. He wasn’t one for romantic notions. “Your mother would want you to make the leap and follow your heart.”

Not with Alex Davenport. I gripped the armrest of my chair. At least I didn’t think she would. I didn’t know her. Because no one would tell me anything about her.

I wish. . .what was the point? I’d never have the chance to know her. But the version of her I’d created in my head was nothing like Father.

Although it actually aligned with what he’d said. She would genuinely want me to leap and follow my heart.

“Since you’re both so keen to meet your sister’s soon-to-be husband, dinner will be arranged.” His gaze was like ice when it landed on me. “We’d better do it soon. There isn’t much time before the big day.”

He disappeared as if he’d vaporized like a demon.

Teague propped a hip on the desk. The concern on his face nearly undid me. “Do you really want to marry that guy?”

The quiet question had the impact of a bomb blast. I didn’t make a habit of lying to my brothers. Maybe I didn’t tell them things sometimes . . . like about Cal, but I never wanted to intentionally mislead them.

Even Lincoln’s normally stone-like features held such worry that all of this mess was on the tip of my tongue.

“A family dinner sounds fun,” I said brightly. “Think there’s any chance we can uninvite . . .” I waved in the general direction Father slithered away in, unable to speak his name.

Teague shifted toward Lincoln. “What do you know about him? Because I don’t believe Beau has suddenlyfallen in love.”

“I’m about to find out.” My oldest brother was terrifying when he wanted to be.

“Both of you suddenly fell in love. Not so long ago, if I’d asked you about getting married, you’d have both grumbled and sworn it wasn’t happening,” I said, voice rising. What they didn’t know was that I was vehemently more anti-relationship than both of them combined. But I’d been burned. I knew what the pain of heartbreak felt like.

Who in their right mind would risk that twice?

Lincoln scowled. “Don’t let him force you into something you don’t want to do.”

Wasn’t that what our lives were? A giant game ofPlease Samuel Hollingsworth.

All of our phones chimed at the same time.

Tomorrow evening. 7 pm. Our family home.

There was no way my brothers wouldn’t see through the lies tomorrow night. They knew—loved—me far too well.Damn.

I reached for Lincoln’s hand. “I’m sorry I ruined your wedding.”

Gently he squeezed. “You give him too much power. He wishes he could ruin the day for Lexie and me.”

I stood and hugged him. “You deserve Lexie and Eric and a lifetime of happiness.” I kissed his cheek, then reached for Teague's hand. “You’re right. We won't let him ruin that.”

Because I'm going to make sure of it for both of you.He won’t steal your happiness, big brothers.Even if it costs me mine.
