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She pulled back. “You didn’t ask how much it is?”

I wanted to. Even in this shape, I was pretty sure I couldn’t afford it and the renovations. Butwecould.

“I’m trying to be better.”

She kissed me with an intensity that stole my breath every single time.

“I love you too,” I murmured against her lips.

“Think you can get this renovation done in eight months?”

“That’s a pretty tight time line if we’re doing it ourselves—” I stopped short. “What’s in eight months?”

She looked down at her stomach. I followed her gaze, then blinked at her. She nodded.

“You’re a daddy.”

I’m a daddy.

I picked her up then spun her around. Our laughter echoed through the dilapidated house. And I felt it, just like she did. There were a lot of years and a lot of laughs left to come here.

I’d already seen some of them as our families had merged. Ma was beside herself with two little Hollingsworth grandbabies coming along—of course she’d adopted Lincoln, Lexie, Eric, Teague, and Pepper into her welcoming arms. Even Zegas had eaten at Ma’s because he was too skinny. Our family had grown, and with Aaron taking more responsibility for changing his habits and Joe in a much more stable place, I was at peace. Finally.

And soon, I’d be a daddy.

Beau kissed me when I set her back on her feet. “At least there’s one thing we don’t need.”

“What’s that?”

She looked out the window and grinned, but the only thing in view was my truck.

“A bigger car.”

* * *
