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“How was the wedding? You guys seem exhausted.”

“It was shit, just like I told you it would be. A bunch of wasted time and money.”

“I thought I was going to barf. Her family is so phony,” Jace says disgustedly.

“I’m exhausted from pretending I gave a fuck.”

“Gio,” I chuckle and reach to run my hand through his hair. He grabs my hand and brings it to his lips, sucking my fingers into his mouth.

I moan and pull my hand back. “Was Dante happy?”

“As a pussy-sprung fool.”

I spit out the sip of wine I had just taken. Jace laughs too. “Yeah, you’re tired and grumpy.”

“I’ll sleep on the plane in the morning.”

“I think I’ve had enough. Who wants to shower with me?”

“You’re not going to sing, are you?” Gio looks over his shoulder and teases.

“If I’m in there by myself, I am.”

“I will,” they say at the same time.

“I hate y’all,” I laugh.

“But we love your noncooking, nonsinging, gorgeous ass,” Gio croons.

“But I can fight.”

“I’m questioning that one from the looks of it.”

I stiffen and turn my head slowly to look back at Jace. He has a smug smile on his face. I glare at him.

“Bro, you stole the words right out of my mouth,” Gio snickers.

“Fuck you both,” I mutter and stand from the tub. Then mutter to myself, “I can kick both their asses. The nerve.”




Three years later…

Some may call this stupid,but I guess I’m feeling cocky. I also want to meet Frances’s boys in person. I’ve been watching them from a distance.

However, something has been nagging at me and I want to see how these guys think. I’m also showing my balls are bigger than Riccardo’s and so is my brain. Right now, I have my cock in his mouth, but he thinks he’s eating caviar and sipping champagne.

For me, it was the smug look on his face when Bethany announced she was pregnant. He really thinks he’s outsmarting me.

I ignored his bullshit after the wedding when calls started coming a few days after. The son of a bitch never fails to do as I know he will. So here I stand right in the open about to buy a Manhattan condo from his bitch-ass grandson.

“Mr. Luciano, how do you like this view?”

I nearly laugh as he calls me by the bogus name I gave him. Ny walks over to my side. I place my hand on the small of her back. She has on one of those blonde wigs I loathe. It dulls her skin tone and takes away from her natural beauty. She looks up at me with those gray contacts. Another distraction from her gorgeous face.
