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I haveno idea why I’m so surprised. I saw this coming. I just didn’t think Gio was cut out for a poly relationship. Yet for Nyla I think my son would do anything.

However, I’m still shocked and fearful for my three babies—I wasn’t the only one to see them. I need to protect my children. I won’t teach them that their actions are wrong, they’re not.

Do I think they’re ready for this? Nyla has always been so mature. Jace is a people pleaser. However, my Gio…I don’t know if he’s ready.

I watched my own relationship go up in flames. I made the mistake Nyla is about to make. I chose two dominant men.

I assumed that they could give me all I needed and put themselves aside. Emil would have done anything for me. Lucas would have too, but he couldn’t bring himself to my grant ultimate wish.

I need to think this through. Riccardo has always been a problem for me. I’ve only allowed him to stay close because I’ve wanted to keep an eye on him. Today, I regret that decision with everything I am.

I’m going to have to kill him, I can’t put it off any longer. Gio has just given him what he’s been looking for. My thoughts race as I plan my next move and rush into the side doors of the house.

I stop in my tracks as the blood drains from my face. Dante is at the door of Gio’s bedroom with his hand on the knob. I don’t want him to walk in on what I just witnessed. He’s eight, he won’t understand.

“Dante,” I bark.

I shake my head at him. I’ve told my younger boys to stay out of Gio’s room uninvited when he has company. They never listen.

“What have I told you about going into Gio’s room uninvited? You have to respect others’ privacy. Get your hand off that door. Where’s Dario?”

I look around for my other son. He’s usually the curious one. I would expect to find him here.

“I…I only wanted to hang with Gio,” Dante whispers.

I run a hand through my hair, trying to get my thoughts together. I need to find out where Riccardo went. I’ll blow his brains out all over this house if he does something to harm those kids. I need to know exactly what he saw. I close my eyes to calm the rage inside.

“You can’t go in there. You need to listen when I tell you something, Dante. Go to your room. You boys are out to make me crazy,” I say to get Dante away from that door before I can go handle this situation.

I clench a hand over my heart as Dante mopes away. He’s my more sensitive child. He also has a violent side when he’s angry—something I need to tame. I’ll have to smooth this over later.

Once I’m sure Dante is gone, I go in search of Riccardo. I can’t find him anywhere. My anger rises with each passing moment.

I pull out my phone and call Beth. She’s not here today, but I think it’s time she comes over. We need to talk.

“Hey,” I breathe into the phone. “It’s time.”

“I’ll be there in a few.”


Never Enough


I havethis heavy feeling in my gut like I should have gone after my mother instead of taking off with Jace and Ny. My head is just so fucked up.

Nyla isn’t like any of the other girls at school. It’s not just the dark makeup and goth look. She’s a force of her own.

Her presence has a vibe all to itself. She fills a room like I can. Her presence matches mine. Shit, I never thought about how the three of us could take over a room, but still coexist.

Nyla is smart. Smarter than any of the girls my age. I want to protect that.

Her need to know and learn about everything places her in danger. She was dating an asshole at school I hate—Matthew Pike—just to find out who I was interested in. Matt brought her to a party and tried to feed her beers, thinking he could take advantage of her.

I had to put a stop to that shit. That was when I gave in and took her to the movies for our first date. The signs were there even then. She was venomous toward Jace’s date.

I think I’ve always known the truth. And still, I’m struggling with this. It’s not like Jace hasn’t always been around. Honestly, I know he’s better for her. He can give her all that emotional shit I’m not built for.
