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“She will come to me. I just made sure of that. Weren’t you paying attention?”

I grin. Yeah, I was. I give it a week.

I stand and head for my room to jump on Black Planet to start my search for his collection and to summon Ming. I’ve had my eye on a few I think Gio will like.

Once logged on. I go to Nyla’s profile. I lift a brow as I notice she’s finally uploaded photos. I miss her face and have been hoping she would post something.

I start to choke as I click on the first full-length photo. I click through them all, biting my lip.

“Fuck me.” I pull a hand down my face and groan. “Please don’t fuck this up,” I mutter like a prayer.


Take Me Home


Three days later…

“Lucas told you their plane comes in today. Why are you playing these games with her?”

“I’m not playing games with her. I’m trying to see where her head is, if she can handle this task. If this doesn’t look right, we can’t pull it off.

“Nonno was the first person to point out to me I was in love with Ny. What he sees will tell me my next move.”

Jace snorts. “You’re going to fail.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He laughs. “You’ll see.” With that, he turns and dives into the pool.

I roll my eyes and turn my attention back to my guests. They’re pretty, but not my type. However, Jace and I have given the short one attention enough for it to look like we’re both interested.

Marco will be sure to carry that back to the other families. I realized he’s the one Nonno feels has his ears open for things to run and tell. I’m going to use that.

“Can I get you ladies anything?” I croon as the two look up at me from the loungers they’re perched on.

They both give goofy smiles as they ogle my bare chest. The one we’ve been given attention to shakes her head no but drops her eyes to my swim trunks as she bites her lip. Her friend blushes as she drags her eyes over me.

They can both relax. It’s not happening.

I shrug and hop on the lounger between the two, stretching my long legs out in front of me. There’s music playing and the grill is going, with Nonno cooking up steaks.

I look cool on the outside, but my stomach is in knots. The last time I saw Ny was the morning after her birthday when I left her sleeping in her bed. I couldn’t wake her or wait for her to wake because I wouldn’t have been able to leave.

I had taken things too far by fingering her tight, hot pussy. I almost caved. I wanted to take her that night right on top of that car. The way she fell apart for me, I’ll never forget it.

Now, I’m twenty-two and she’ll be twenty-one in October. There will be nothing to stop me from claiming her this time. I haven’t seen her in years, and that was by design. I knew I would break if I laid eyes on her.

Placing my hands behind my head, I lift my face to the sun. Today will be a good day. That thought is short lived as the Italian music that was playing at a reasonable level is replaced by Phil Collins “Take Me Home” and starts to blur.

My lips turn up, she’s here. That’s my girl announcing herself. I open my eyes and turn my head toward the house.

I sit up so fast my head spins. This isn’t the Ny I left sleeping in her bed over two years ago. I stand, balling my fists and cross my arms over my chest.

I can’t take my eyes off her. Nyla has become a full-grown woman. The black bikini she’s wearing leaves nothing to the imagination.

Her shapely hips sway as she struts her brown ass into the pool area. Her breasts have gotten huge and accent her toned frame as she high steps like a model in black strappy heels. The diamond bracelet around her ankle catches my attention.
