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“I told you we could move you somewhere else, somewhere away from Italy and America. You can have your life back,” Gio says.

“I’ve grown attached to this place. I like knowing your grandfather is in the same country as I am. This is home.” She waves him off. “Come, Nyla. Sit with me. You have to tell me all about what you’ve been up to. Is there someone special in your life?”

I look up at Gio. He has his eyes narrowed on my face. I don’t get to answer as he moves behind me, wraps one arm around my waist and his other hand around my neck to tip my head back, then kisses me breathless right in front of his mother.

“Oh, I didn’t realize you two picked things back up.”

“Actually, I came to visit Nonno and somehow, this guy has been all over me since I arrived,” I tease.

“Fuck outa here,” Gio croons, tugging me into him and burying his face in my neck. He pinches my ass, causing me to yelp.

I look up at him and pout. He pecks my lips before saying, “She almost made me go back home to kill some guy. Showing up was her way of saving her little friend.”

“I love seeing you this happy, Gio. I’m also glad you’re here, Nyla. I’ve been wanting to talk to you for some time. Did Jace come with you guys?”

“He’s showing my friend around.”

“Oh. Is she pretty?”

“She is, but I doubt he’s noticed. He can’t take his eyes off Ny,” Gio grumbles.

“Can you blame him? I still can’t believe how grown up you are. Come on, make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to eat, drink?”

“I’m fine, we had a big breakfast.”

“I’ll go talk to Ming. We all know Jace is giving her the silent tour.”

We laugh as Gio kisses my cheek and turns to leave. I sit with Ava, not able to remove the smile from my face. It’s so good to see her.

She reaches for my hands. “Are you happy?”

I shrug. “I guess I am now. It’s good to be back with Gio and Jace. I felt like something was missing for so long.”

“I haven’t seen Gio look so happy in a long time. You’ve all been through so much. I’ve wanted to talk to you about what I saw that day.”

My cheeks heat. “That was nothing. We had actually gotten into a fight and Gio and I decided we weren’t mature enough for something like that.”

“That was six years ago. Jace still has feelings for you. Gio knows that as well as I do.”

I sigh. “I’ve been trying to ignore that since I’ve been here. Gio and I have taken our relationship to the next level. I don’t know where Jace fits into that now.”

“You still care about them both?”

“I’ve loved them both all my life. It’s different but the same. I don’t know. Like, Gio has this fire I’m drawn to, while Jace has this comfort that pulls me in too.”

“I get it. You can see the flames that burn between the three of you. They pull toward each other. You know you have different types of soul mates. They’re not always intimate partners. Sometimes they start out as something totally different and grow into intimate partners later.

“I’m not trying to force anything on you, but I wanted to let you know I’m here if you need me. I’ll help guide you as much as I can. Not that I had much success at it, but I want to be the emotional support for you I wish I’d had.”

“You, Mom, and Emil, right? I found pictures of you three.”

“And Lucas. Yes.”

“Oh, I’m not trying to be selfish or anything, but I don’t see another woman in this. We have a bond I want to keep between the three ofus.”

She snickers. “I totally understand. Not everyone is the same. What worked for me and your mother doesn’t have to work for you.”

“Can I ask what happened? Why didn’t it work?”
