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“We need to take this new evidence to our client,” he replies tersely. He nods at the other two and they all get to their feet. He taps the folder in his arms. “May I take this?”

“Of course, it’s yours,” Melissa smiles. She looks all sweetness and light but she’s an absolute shark. Out of all the lawyers the guys retained on my behalf, she’s been my absolute favourite.

“Very well. We will present our findings to our client and be in touch shortly.”

They file from the room, no one rising to see them out. When the door closes behind them I let out a long breath.

“That went well.” Melissa beams.

“Did it? We didn’t agree on anything.”

“Oh, these things never work the first time. But we’ve rattled them, clearly. This is a good thing, Raven.”

“How soon do you think we can get Nix back home?” Baxter asks.

“It’s hard to say. It’s highly unlikely this will go to court in light of the financials, character witnesses, deeds and updated birth certificate you’ve provided. That said, if she’s as stubborn as you’ve led me to believe, then we have to prepare for the worst. Which I am doing. If she wants to drag us all into a messy court hearing, your team is more than ready to take on the challenge. Hopefully though, she’ll see the new evidence and will back down a little so that we can come to some sort of increased shared custody agreement.”

“I don’t want to share custody with her.”

“I know. But for now, we battle the fight on our doorstep, later we can challenge new threats,” Baxter reassures me. I know it makes sense but it’s still hard to even fathom ‘playing nice’ for a short period of time.

“You did great today, Raven. Well done,” Melissa says with a reassuring smile. “Let’s wait and see what they come back with, I bet it’ll be a shared custody offer, which we can negotiate.”

I nod and thank her for today.

“Of course, it’s what I’m here for. We will win this one way or another, I promise you.”

We say our goodbyes and Baxter leads me out to the car. Before we climb in I pull him into a big hug.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m just disappointed.”

“What? Why?”

“We didn’t get anything. I had hoped it would be enough to at least allow me phone calls with Nix. It isn’t fair.”

“I know. It’s highly unusual for a mother not to be allowed any contact at all in situations like this, but we know how much pull and sway Cordelia has,” Baxter explains gently. I know he’s right, and we’ve spoken about this before, but I really had pinned my hopes on today and now I just feel deflated. “It’s my visitation day with Phoenix tomorrow, I promise I’ll take lots of pictures, okay? And if I can get her away from the witch long enough, I’ll even sneak in a video call.”

“Don’t do anything to risk us getting Nix back!” I say in a panic. He cuddles me closer and kisses the top of my head, rubbing soothing circles on my back.

“I promise, I won’t.”


The #TrackDownTilly movement gains momentum as it seems like the whole world is suddenly asking “where is Tilly Harris?”

Husband and Stock Exchange guru, Archibald Harris, has launched an appeal to bring Tilly home after her disappearance.

Archibald, Archie to friends, claimed that he was working away on business which is why he didn’t notice his wife was missing. He claims it’s not unusual for them to go long periods of time without contact.

In a statement he said, “Please Tilly, wherever you are, just make contact so that we know you’re alright. Stefan misses his step mummy so much.”

Police say no ransom demands have been made, but friends continue to insist this disappearance is out of character for Mrs Harris, and that foul play must be involved.
