Page 8 of Bosses Brat

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Chapter Seven


I reach for the next ruler - another plastic one, but white this time - and I introduce it to her ass in the same manner. Again, it breaks, and again, she screams. I admire the sounds she makes; the pitiful mewling when the scream dies down and I rub my painfully hard cock against her sexy pink ass.

“I wonder how many of these rulers I can break on your delectable ass, Ms. Hall… oh, and I will be docking the cost out of your pay,” I tell her while Bennet laughs.

“Like I care,” she snaps. “I think I can afford a few twenty pence rulers on my salary.”


I break another on her ass, just for her sass. And even though she yells out, afterwards she laughs.

We’ll see if she’s still laughing when I switch to the metal and wooden ones. Still, I have half a dozen more plastic ones to get through first.

Crack after crack after crack rains down on her heart-shaped rear, and she yells, swears and moans with every blow. In between blows, she rains down a shower of shit on me and my brother.

“Is that the best you’ve got?”

“I’m getting bored!”

“I’m so scared, not another ruler.”

I grit my teeth and seethe silently. I need to remain in control.

She will not break me; I’m the one that’s supposed to be breaking her. She’s waiting for me to snap, pushing me closer to the edge, but I’m not going to fall for it.

“No wonder you work in an office, if that’s the best you can do.”

“Don’t worry dear, it’s the taking part that counts.”

My eyes lock on Bennet’s and he nods at me. I get why he’s been driven crazy by her. She’s infuriating; working her way under my skin, poking and prodding, and knowing exactly which buttons to press. I feel bad for laughing at him when he stressed over her. I get it now.

Blows continue to rain down on her peach of an ass, turning the pale skin a furious shade of red. The only way I can block out the sounds of Rhylie’s sass in between, is by focusing on her screams and keeping the blows coming faster than I would normally have liked. I’m flying through my stash of rulers and rapidly running out of plastic to fracture on her behind. I’d be sad it’s almost over...if I didn’t have the wooden ones to look forward to.

I break the last plastic ruler and she howls, a deep animalistic sound that tells me she loves the pain. I don’t plan to give her any respite; I want to move straight on to the next set of rulers, but I can’t help but run my hands over her smooth burning flesh. I can feel the warmth permeating my skin and I revel in the way she presses back against my touch as though looking for more. I’ll gladly give her more. So much more. My cock is painfully hard and desperate to sink into her, but that would be a distraction and a confession of weakness.

Besides, this is about punishing Rhylie, not pleasuring myself.
