Page 72 of Jasmine

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“He’s a baby. That would be just wrong.” Oakley says this like it’s the most obvious reason in the world.

“The devil has morals?” I pull a face, snorting.

“Strict ones.” Oak replies, deadly serious. “You’re lucky he does, otherwise right now you’d be working on your tan and preparing for your wedding.”

He has to be joking right? Only his face doesn’t look like he’s joking. What the hell? This is too much to take in.

“Can we stop it?”

“Afraid not. Don’t worry about it, sweetheart.”

“Don’t worry! My puppy is going to be possessed by a demon in twelve months time and you’re telling me NOT TO WORRY?!”

“I’m a demon,” he replies quietly. “I’m not so bad.”

I instantly feel like shit. I rub my eyes and suddenly feel so tired and heavy.

“Look everyone, I’m taking Jasper and Jasmine home. Rowan, can you drive her truck home please and then we can head back together,” Linden cuts in. I’m so grateful for him stepping in and taking charge of everything.

“Ok, see you in the morning, love,” Rowan says, stepping forward and taking my keys from me. “I’m so glad you’re okay.”

“I’d do it again, sweetheart. I’d sell every single one of our souls to keep you safe, so don’t expect an apology from me,” Oakley tells me.

“Babe, stay safe. I might never let you out of my sight again,” Ash warns with a kiss to my forehead.

And then they’re gone, the car door closing, and it’s just me, Linden and the sleeping pup alone in the dark.
