Page 87 of Lumi

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“Every single part of you,” I promise, rolling over to kiss him.

When we break apart, I’m breathless and more than ready for round two, but I shiver as a sudden wind blows across my back. Of course Yas notices, pulling me up and helping me to dress.

“Here, wrap the blanket around you too. It’s getting late, we should probably head back.”

“I hope you weren’t planning to leave without saying hello. Or at the very least goodbye, son,” a voice comes out of the darkness. I scream. Yas swears.

“Mother, Father, show yourselves.” He sighs.

A moment later, two of the more jaw-droppingly beautiful people I have ever seen step forward out of the darkness through a portal that I didn’t see. The man is the spitting image of Yas, only slightly older with the hair at his temples just starting to grey. The crown on his head glinting in the firelight is a major distraction, but even in the low light I can detect warmth in his eyes.

Next to him his wife is a tall, thin, regal looking woman. She too wears a delicate crown atop her head, and her dress is a silk slip that flatters her shape.

“Is that anyway to greet your parents?” she asks in a mellifluous, teasing voice. Yas shakes his head and steps forward into her embrace, kissing her on the cheek. He turns to his father and embraces him too.

“We were just about to leave, it’s late and we should be getting back.”

“Oh, we know. We waited until you’d finished,” his mother says airily with a dismissive wave of her hand. When I realize what she means, I want the ground to open up and swallow me whole. I can’t meet her eyes.

Yas just chuckles easily and introduces us.

“It’s lovely to meet you, Lumi. Yas has told us all about you, but I must admit Yas, I’m disappointed that you didn’t bring Ade along too.”

“It’s probably best he didn’t, dear, given how their evening played out,” his dad interjects with a chuckle.

I want to die. I’m absolutely mortified, aflame with embarrassment.

“But I want to meet my new granddaughter! Not that I’m not thrilled to bits to have a daughter-in-law too, Lumi, I am! But—”

“Mom, you need to back off. Too strong,” Yas jumps in, softening the blow of his words with a smile before turning to me. “Sorry, we’re an all or nothing kind of family.”

“Don’t be. It’s one of the things I love about you, and Ade will love your family.”

“Well, that settles it then,” his mother cries happily, clapping her hands together. “You must bring Ade to visit. You could stay. When’s the next big holiday? We could throw a party in Ade’s honour.”

“Oh, no! Please don’t go to any trouble!” I quickly say.

“It’s no trouble, dear,” Yas’ dad says kindly. “My wife loves planning a party almost as much as the main event itself. It’ll keep her busy for a while if you’ll consent to a visit. It should keep her here and prevent any unexpected visits to, say, a small magical town that I won’t disclose the location of.”

“We would love to visit, Mom!” Yas quickly replies, beaming at his mother. “Ade will be so excited to meet you and she’ll love a party too.”

“There you are then,” his dad grins. “Everyone’s happy. Now, we won’t keep you—”

“But Harold, we’ve only just got here! I want to get to know Lumi better—”

“But Ade has school tomorrow, Mom, and Lumi really wants to get back to tuck her into bed.”

“Oh, yes, of course. Please give that sweet, sweet girl a kiss from me and tell her, her grandma can’t wait to meet her!”

Yas promises he will and quickly hugs his parents goodbye. I’m shocked when they turn to me and give me hugs and kisses too. Yas starts to tidy up the blankets but his dad waves him off saying to leave it. His mother opens up a portal and beams at us. Together, hand in hand, we step through and arrive back at the house he shares with Quilo and Whit.

We head inside and the house is quiet, but I follow Yas and he leads me through to the lounge. Quilo and Whit are playing a game console. I look around but don’t see Ade. I don’t panic, but I am curious.

“Where’s Ade? Has she been okay?”

“You’re back! How was the date?” Quilo asks.

“My parents gatecrashed,” Yas says heavily. The other two laugh.
