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Jo and Cora returned to what they were doing.


Jo looked up to see Jamie’s gaze trained on her sister, a gentle upturn to his lips.

Cora straightened up, returning the smile. “Hey,” she replied softly.

Jo looked back and forth between the two as a grin broke out on her lips at the sweet display before her.

“I’m leaving now, but I was wondering if there’s anything else you’d like me to help you with,” he advised.

“Oh, no. We’re almost done here,” she returned.

“Okay,” Jamie replied, scratching the back of his head as he looked from her to Jo.

Sensing that he probably wanted to have a private conversation with her sister, Jo decided to give them space.

“I’m going to see if they left anything by the gazebo. I’ll be back in a few,” she informed Cora. “Thanks for your help today, Jamie.” She smiled at the very tall man whom she suspected she would soon be calling her brother-in-law.

“It was my pleasure, Josephine. I’m glad I could make Mrs. Hamilton’s day special.”

Jo gave the man another warm smile before turning and heading for the gazebo.

From her vantage point, Jo could make out the two holding hands and Cora throwing her head back in laughter at whatever Jamie said to her. After a few more exchanges, Cora’s hands went around Jamie’s waist as his hands came over her shoulders. He planted a quick kiss against her hair before releasing her and walking away. Cora turned to watch him.

At the display before her, Jo’s face lit up with the excitement she felt for her sister. From what she had seen and known of Jamie, she could tell that he was the best thing that could have happened to her sister at this time. He looked at her and treated her as if she mattered to him more than anything else. Jo remembered how that felt; even with all she knew now, she was sure of one thing, her husband had loved her greatly.

“Jamie can’t seem to get enough of you,” she spoke to her sister as soon as she was back at her side. “I can tell he really cares about you.”

Cora turned and gave her sister a knowing smile. “I know he does, and I care about him too, but…”

At her hesitation, Jo cocked her head, interested in the excuse her sister was about to make.

Cora sighed. “I just don’t want to move too quickly,” she reasoned.

Jo reached over to run her palm over her sister’s arm in a soothing fashion. “You don’t have to rush anything, Cora. He seems like a real patient guy who will wait until you’re ready to fully share yourself with him. Just don’t let fear stop you from accepting your second chance at love.”

Cora squeezed Jo’s hand in gratitude. “Thanks, JoJo, it means a lot coming from you.” The sisters hugged, taking strength in the warmth generated from the gesture.

“I know we still have a lot to work through, but I’m happy that we got this time to do it and be here for Mom. She needs this, us getting along, being here,” Cora explained as soon as the two separated.

At her sister’s statement, Jo’s mind flashed back to the day in the kitchen with her mother.

“Cora, there’s something I didn’t tell you…”

Cora arched her brows in concern, waiting.

“It’s about Mom. I made coffee for her about two weeks ago, and the cup fell out of her hand and shattered, then her words were slightly slurred.” Jo took in a gulp of air before releasing it with a heavy sigh. She finally turned her gaze to her sister, who stared back at her in alarm. “I’ve never seen her like that, Cora. You should have seen the look of fear and shame in her eyes; it broke my heart, and worse, I didn’t really know what to do.” Jo looked up at her sister, her eyes reflecting the weight of her next words. “I’m scared, Cora. After losing so much, I-I- don’t know how I’ll cope with losing her too.” Jo brought her hands around her torso to hug herself tightly. Voicing the turmoil she’d been feeling over her mother’s illness to her sister made it all the more real, and it felt as if something inside had started to crumble.

“I’m sorry you had to witness that, Jo.” Cora released a sigh before pulling her sister against her once more.

Automatically Jo’s hands circled her sister’s waist as she drew comfort from her. Slowly the tears ran down her cheeks to drip down her chin unto her chest. “I’ve got you, too, Jo,” Cora soothed. “I’m here for you. I want you to know that you can always talk to me when it gets too much to bear.”

Jo nodded against her sister’s chest, grateful for the offer. “Thanks, Cora.”

“You’re welcome, sweetie,” her sister replied as they separated. “There’s something that I need to tell you too,” Cora admitted, her eyes reflecting the sadness she felt. “Mom had an episode on the third night I was here.”

“What…” Jo replied incredulously.
