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“Laura’s happy that I took the step and asked you out. She likes you very much,” he revealed.

A sincere smile crossed her lips at the news. She liked his daughter, too, and to know that she approved warmed her heart.

“So, tell me your opinion on this beef.” Daniel raised his fork with a sliver of the pink flesh of beef attached to it. Jo stretched over the table to meet his outstretched hand and take the meat into her mouth. After a few chews and her face made up in contemplation, she set her gaze on Daniel.

“It’s okay, I guess. A little chewy, almost on the tough side. I’d rate it about a two or if I’m being generous, a three.”

Daniel nodded in agreement. “You’re spot-on.” He beamed.

“Try this then,” she invited, holding up her fork with the lamb chop she had ordered. Daniel took the piece of meat into his mouth and chewed.

“This is a bit chewy, overcooked, and too many spices.”

“See? We make the perfect team.” Daniel smiled at her tenderly.

“It seems we do.” She smiled back at him. From there, their conversations went into what cooking schools they attended.

“L'Atelier des Sens?” Jo looked at Daniel, bug-eyed. “That’s one of the most prestigious culinary schools,” she fawned.

“I know, but it’s overrated. It’s not better than any other culinary school with exceptional instructors,” he refuted.

“I still wish I’d had the privilege to go there.”

“You’re an exceptional sous-chef, Jo. I don’t need a decorative piece of paper to see that,” he complimented her.

“Seeing as the meal didn’t live up to the hype, maybe we should forgo ordering dessert. I have a mean chocolate fudge cake and an excellent bottle of wine back home if you’re interested,” Jo invited.

“That sounds like a much better way to spend the rest of our evening,” he agreed.

After paying the bill, the two left for her house.

“You two are back early. Did something happen?” Cora asked in surprise the minute they walked through the door.

“No, we just thought it would be better to finish our time together here eating the chocolate fudge cake I made,” she explained.

“That’s a great idea. Maybe Jamie and I should join you guys and help finish it inadequate time,” Cora suggested. The two women looked back at Daniel and Jamie by the stairs having a conversation.

“Sounds like a good plan to me,” Jo approved.

“Why don’t you guys get settled out on the back porch? We’ll take the cake and wine out to you,” Cora instructed the men.

Thirty minutes later, they were laughing and making jokes as they sat out on the porch, the dimmed lantern lights casting a hazy glow over the space. “We’re gonna leave you two now to finish your date. Jamie and I need to discuss something important,” Cora stated to both of them. With that, she and Jamie went inside the house.

“So, I heard about Becky’s illness… I’m sorry, Jo. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one deteriorate from an illness that is incurable,” he empathized. The look in his eyes told her that he had his own experience. As if reading her mind, he answered. “My mom’s kidneys failed her. She lived on dialysis for four years before she died.”

Jo reached out and ran a comforting hand along his arm. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she sympathized. After some time, they settled into a comfortable silence. Somehow Jo’s hand slipped down Daniel’s arm until their fingers intertwined, and it felt nice. It felt right.

“I had a wonderful time tonight, Daniel.” Jo smiled softly at the man leaning against the door, staring down at her.

“Does that mean I get another date?”

“The verdict’s still out on that,” she returned with a slight grin.

“Well then, I’ll just have to make sure I secure that ‘yes’ then, don’t I?” He smirked.

“And how are you going to do that?”

Jo knew what was coming when he lowered his head while looking at her lips, and unlike last time the anticipation she felt was from waiting for his lips to meet hers. When his lips finally brushed across hers, she didn’t resist but instead allowed him to draw her closer as she kissed him back. When they separated, her lips were tingling and warm from the pressure of his having been there, and goose bumps ran along her arms.
