Page 55 of Shut Up and Kiss Me

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Damn. Cade really knew how to use his tongue.

He placed a tender kiss on the inside of each of my thighs and gave me a smile. I would never forget what he looked like shadowed by the dim interior light of the car. His messy hair, the dimple punctuating his cheek, and the look of pride in his eyes, all framed by my loose summer skirt.

He climbed off his knees and adjusted himself, and my eyes went to his jeans. He wasn’t kidding. He was ready. I could make out the outline of his erection through the denim. I wanted him so badly I couldn’t think straight. I held out my arms.

“Come here.”

I was ready to accept his luscious weight against me. I was ready to strip him and have him inside me. I was ready for whatever came next, even if our first time was going to be in his car. We were making our own rules.

Cade’s eyes shifted from hooded to wide as a red glow covered his face. His grin wiped away when the red glow changed to blue, then red again.

Shit. Cops.

“Get dressed.”

He didn’t have to tell me twice.

My heart pounded double time, my postorgasmic buzz lost with my next blink. I shoved my skirt down, pulled my shirt on, and tucked my legs into the car as Cade walked around to the driver’s side. He glanced over and I nodded, grateful we hadn’t pulled any alcohol out of the cooler with our dinner. Grateful the cop hadn’t pulled up thirty seconds earlier to find me writhing against Cade’s face. It was amazing I could be grateful about any of it, as scared as I was. I’d never been busted by the cops before.

The sound of heavy boots crunching through grass came closer as a flashlight beam blinded me. I squinted.

“Care to explain what you’re doing here?” the voice of authority asked. When the flashlight moved from me to Cade, I blinked a few times to adjust to the darkness and took a good look at the officer in blue.

Hand on his hip, reddish hair. I knew him. Well, not knew him, but I recognized him. Rena had been set up on a date with him last year by her well-meaning mother. Needless to say, things hadn’t worked out.

“No,” Cade answered, hip resting on the door.

Clearly, he wasn’t going to cooperate. But I wasn’t interested in this escalating into jail time.

“Baron, right?” I blurted. The officer swept the flashlight to me but kept it aimed at my body rather than shining it in my eyes. “You’re Roy’s nephew. I remember you from the hospital.”

I couldn’t see his reaction behind the light.

“I’m Tasha Montgomery. Rena’s best friend.” At the mention of Rena, Baron lowered the flashlight before sweeping it over to Cade. If I kept talking, I might be able to get us out of this. Baron liked Rena. As in liked liked. Or he used to, anyway. I hoped he wasn’t bitter because Rena had chosen Devlin over him.

I hoped I could count on Baron being lovesick enough to let us go.

“This is Cade. I was visiting him in the hospital when you were there.”

No response.

“Anyway,” I continued, “we’re working on his therapy tonight. Speech therapy.” This was not going well, and it sounded like a lie, even though it was the truth. Partially.

“Whatever you’re ‘working on,’ there’s no reason for you to be in a park after hours,” he said. “You’re trespassing.”

“Give me a ticket and we’ll go,” Cade said, folding his arms over his chest.

Baron swept his angry gaze to Cade.

“Or you could let us go? It’s totally my fault. See, he does better when we practice outside of the house. I figured the dark would…help him relax more. Speech is a funny thing…” I prayed this was working.

Cade sent me a dark look and I bit my lip.

“Sounds like he’s speaking okay to me,” Baron said in challenge.

“See, it works!” I chirped, hyperaware that my underpants were wedged behind me in the seat. I hoped Baron didn’t ask me to get out of the car. I hoped I didn’t get arrested. It would be embarrassing to go to jail without anything under my skirt, and more embarrassing to call my dad and confirm his suspicions about Cade Wilson getting me into trouble.

“Just write the damn ticket,” Cade grumbled. I wanted to throttle him at that point. He wasn’t assisting in my efforts to appease Baron.
