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I cannot remember the last time I felt so…happy, he thought in awe.

“If I may be serious for a moment, Mr Morton,” Clara said, looking as though she were fighting to keep a smile from her face. “On the subject of our honeymoon, that is.”

“You may, Mrs Morton,” Edward answered as he felt a smile spread across his own face at using these words.

She leaned in close and gave him a tender kiss on the bridge of his nose, then rested her head against his chest. Edward felt the crush of her breasts against his side, and as her hands roamed about his hot, sweaty skin he felt himself surge with lust once more.

“I would not trade what we are doing right this moment for anything in the world. You could carry me away with you to any exotic land or beautiful city—as soon as we arrived, I would only wish to be alone with you so I could have you all to myself.”

Her hand dipped lower, tickling his belly with her hot breath as her fingers walked further down, and further still. “So we could do this,” she breathed. “Only this.”

Edward groaned, closing his eyes and savouring the sensation of her skin against his. “Then it seems things worked out just as they should have after all.”

“Just as long as you adhere to your promise,” Clara added, her hand achingly stopping in place.

“Hmm, which promise?” said Edward, feeling his body quiver with longing for her to continue her ministrations.

“Your promise to stay away from your work for a time.”

Edward felt a strange tangle of emotions bubble up inside himself, his longing and contentment and amusement come out as the freest, happiest laugh he had known. Even as he exhaled this strange sound, he rolled over with great vigour, eliciting a surprised giggle from his beautiful young wife.

Looking down into her glistening hazel eyes, he murmured, “As we agreed. The Duke and the demands of his station will just have to wait until next week.”

“And…?” Clara asked, closing her eyes as he leaned down to kiss at her neck.

“And even after that, from eight o’clock until the next morning, I am yours and no one else’s.”

She opened her eyes again and looked at him with tears beginning to well up. “Forever and always?” Clara asked, seemingly stunned by the enormity of their love. “No matter what comes in the future, you will be with me for the rest of your oh—”

Clara stopped, momentarily robbed of her ability to speak as Edward’s mouth kissed lower, from her shoulder down to the sensitive skin at her upper breast. He felt her wrap her arms around him, clutching him to her tightly.

“You have spent entirely too long worrying about the future,” Edward said softly, continuing his trail of caresses still further. “Let us both follow your wisdom and forget about everything outside our door. Will you trust me to do the same?”

“Yes, Edward,” said Clara without hesitation. “With all my heart.” And true to her words, Clara looked upon her husband, kissed him on the mouth, and did as she was bid by blotting out anything in the world by the two of them.

She was, after all, a fundamentally sincere person.

