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When he had a moment alone with Sarah, he whispered into her ear, “Where would you choose the honeymoon to be?”

Sarah gave a delighted smile. “Anywhere, so long as I can lay in your arms.”

“Then Venice, or Rome … ”

She gazed into his eyes. “London. It’s the only place that I wish to be.”

Henry stood intoxicated by the pinkness of her lips. “Then London it is, my love.”


The days that followed were spent in preparation until the wedding was held on a blissful Sunday. The sun shone brightly in the sky, and many of the guests remained. Sarah wore her favourite lavender gown, and the banns were read within the confines of a flower-filled gazebo. Just as soon as the vicar instructed them to kiss, Sarah and Henry did so, though not with the level of passion that Sarah craved. That would have to be undertaken behind closed doors.

During the grand wedding breakfast, Lisbeth and Lord John were in tears, as was Sarah. There was no end to her happiness. Under the breakfast table, Henry placed a warm hand upon her knee, which caused heat to rise through Sarah’s entire body. Yes, it was the most delicious feeling that she had ever known, and there were more delicious feelings to come.

The breakfast concluded, Sarah and Henry stepped into the carriage that would take them to London, all covered in white flowers. Once the carriage sped away, Henry leaned in for another kiss, this one with the level of heat that Sarah craved. Finally, Henry pulled Sarah on top of him so that she was straddling his lap.

“This is all I’ve ever desired,” Henry said, gazing into her eyes passionately.

“You can have all of me, and so much more, my husband.”

They kissed yet again and did whatever they craved while out of view of the carriage driver.

