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And in the end, you realize that they are worth not only dying for but dying with.

In old age, I hope that we keep learning each other.

I hope that we still want to read together, laugh together, grow together.

Because the second I saw you by that bench, I knew there was no one else.

We started on that bench, in secret.

We rode together in secret.

We loved together in secret.

And then somehow, we had an intimate wedding in front of everyone.

And now, we are in Europe, discovering the secrets that the world has to offer.

Whether you’re my secret love or my wife, I love you with all my heart.

After reading the poem, Matilda could not help but let the tears flow. Of all the books and poetry that she had ever read, that was the most meaningful, and she would cherish it forever.

It was as if Aaron had read her mind because he went right in for a kiss when she had finished reading. The kiss was long, inviting, warm, and made her look forward to the hotel room later that night.

“That was the nicest and sweetest poem that I’ve ever read.”

Aaron looked somewhat bashful. “I felt like my thoughts were all over the place in that poem, but I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Our whole relationship has been all over the place, so it fits it well, I thought.”

“Well, I meant every word, Matilda. I want you until the end of time. Until we are old and can barely walk.”

She wanted that just as much.

And so, they sat by the fountain talking some more. The time had flown by as they both remembered not only the good times that they had shared since the wedding, but they also reflected on all their struggles. It was strange to look back and laugh about someone like Addison, but they still found the ability to.

After sitting by the fountain for about an hour, they went to get food and strolled a few other areas before finally heading back to their hotel room.

Matilda felt nervous as it was their first night on the honeymoon. They had waited until that night to finally have sex, and she did not know what to expect. She could only imagine that it was like kissing but way better and more intense.

“We will go slow, okay?” Aaron said.

“I am not afraid. I am nervous, but I still want things to feel right. So please, just go as you feel.”

And that Aaron did, starting out slow at first and then it was all perfect from there. It took her breath away to the point where she felt like she had almost left her body.

When they were finished, they laid in their hotel bed, embracing one another as if the rest of the world did not exist.

“Would you say that all your dreams had come true?” Matilda asked Aaron while melting into his warmth.

Aaron laughed. “I would say that all my dreams have come true and dreams that I had not even known I had also came true as well.”

“I love you, Aaron.”

“I love you more, Matilda.”

They held each other through the night and all the nights thereafter.

