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Brian could not agree more, and that was helping him in forming his own conclusion, one that he was highly uncertain of in terms of how his friends would react. “Do you remember how our parents all hoped that at least one couple, if not three, would form from our group of six?”

“Yes.” Connor made a face as if he was thinking about it in his head. “I am not sure if it was fair for them to do that for us at such young ages, but I guess in many ways, it was a reasonable ideal.”

Connor’s reluctance wasn’t helping what Brian was about to say. “I have always…despite disagreeing with her at times, enjoyed Harper’s company.”

Michael tilted his head in confusion. “Are you saying this because she grew into her teeth or is this coming from a place of sincerity?”

Brian laughed. “I mean that in the sincerest of ways. I have been thinking since last night…since seeing her after all this time, I may have enjoyed my combative relationship with Harper over the years. It made me feel alive.”

Both Connor and Michael took a moment to process that statement. “Well…that is one way of looking at it, I suppose.” Michael scratched his head. “Why do I have an inclination that this discussion is heading in a certain direction?”

He would have to say it eventually, and Brian decided to just do it. “I think that uh…I should court Harper myself.”

Almost at the same time, his friends raised their eyebrows.

Connor looked the most shocked. “You two were just at each other’s throats last night. You were acting like you were both twelve years of age once more.”

Michael scratched his head again. “Yes, I cannot say that I saw this one coming. Especially after we listed off names of possible suitors for the last hour.”

“I know,” Brian confessed. I had still been uncertain but the longer we have spoken about it, the more I had realised what I wanted…well…I should say who I wanted. I mean. It is time that I listen to my father and start a family.”

Speechless had been the perfect word to describe his friends in that moment. But in that weird bit of silence from them both, they appeared happy for him to come to that conclusion.

“So,” Connor started reluctantly.

“You do not have to be awkward about it. I understand that it may all be shocking but…my father was badgering me again the other day. And no, I didn’t want to hear. I never want to hear that man’s unwarranted advice. But then I saw Harper at the party and her beauty. My God! I just couldn’t look away. Throughout my life, you know, when our parents spoke about us all getting together, I couldn’t help but to work it out in my head just who would go with who. I could never envision Michael with Harper, nor you and Harper. That just left her and I. It’s not like I hadn’t given it thought in my life before.”

“But I guess the question is, are you sure? Courting her will bring a whole other set of complications with it. I don’t know what, but love is never easy. That I do know.”

Brian would have been lying if he said that he hadn’t wondered that himself. Courting a lifelong friend was not without its uncertainties. What if she didn’t feel the same way? After all, when looking at James, he was nothing like Brian, not in looks or personality. What if growing up with her had created an invisible barrier between them both? He hated the uncertainties that came along with it all, but at the same time, it made it all feel worth it too.

“I am surer of it than I am not sure if that makes sense. I do truly envision it working in my favour. But envisioning it and reality are two very different things that I don’t want to overlook.”

“You have always been a man to do things his way,” Michael said, and Connor nodded. “This is one of those times where I feel as though this situation is perfect for you.”

Doubt just kept creeping into his mind, though. Brian could not shake it. Failing would be embarrassing. Failing with Harper would only make their relationship all the more awkward as well. He did not need that. He didn’t need any more drama in his life. He also didn’t need to make his father happy.

“What’s wrong?” Michael asked.

“The doubt. He’s doing that thing where he doubts himself.”

“I am not doubting myself. I am just being analytical.” Brian could feel himself getting defensive and closing up. He was beginning to want to exit the conversation entirely. The more he thought of himself with Harper, the less it felt like it would work out. He was nothing but a grumpy drunk who lacked any ambition for the future. What would she want with him? On top of that, why would she ever want a life with him?

“You should pursue her,” Brian said to Michael.

“What? You just said that you never pictured us together.”

“Yes. And when have I ever been right about anything? The best way to go about this is to do the opposite of what I believe. And I think that you are the perfect man for her, Michael. Seriously, think about it. We all grew up together. And you are the most stable-minded of us all.”

“Hey…” Connor interjected.

“I mean that as in look at him, he’s assertive, knows what he wants in life, and is not afraid to go after it. That sums up Harper as well, does it not?”

It looked as though Michael was thinking it over.

It all made sense to Brian after saying it out loud. And hearing it make sense, that was the key to knowing that it was the right thing to do. Harper had no interest in Brian, who was he kidding. But to Michael, it was perfect. Because even if they didn’t work out, Brian had still held up his side of the bargain in finding her a husband. He could go about his life after that.

“Are you sure though?” Michael asked. “You seemed as if you were—”

“If one more person asks me if I’m sure, I will light a cannon. I am more than sure, Michael. Go make Harper happy so that I can be done with this promise I made her.”

Michael thought about it some more and then finally said, “I will do it. I will court Harper and try to give her a family.”

“You will not just try my friend,” Brian said. “I know you will. You will make her a happy wife indeed.”

The three of them continued to chat and told the servants to get them some wine to celebrate. There was a big part of Brian that thought that it wouldn’t work out between Michael and Harper. But no one needed to know that.
