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“I don’t like that.” Harper let slip out. “You speak of drinking as if it is funny or cute. There is nothing admirable about a man who drinks, any more than a boy who chases his friend up a tree.” Her anger had been real and spontaneous. Where it came from, she did not know.

“Why do you get so concerned with the situations in my life? What I did to Connor as a joke, was also as a boy. And my drinking.…”

“Just forget I said anything.”

He quickened his steps because she had quickened hers. “No really, why does my drinking habit concern you?”

She shrugged her shoulders out of frustration. “Because I don’t know…when you grow up with someone and they make alcohol their best friend…it is stupid. That is all I will say about that. See you at the picnic.” She left him to stew in his thoughts after that.


Later that afternoon, the six of them all set out in the gigs. The weather was a beautiful mix of chilled air with sunlight. Even though Harper had left the flowers a few hours prior, she could still smell them in the air. That was the best part of the trip, thus far.

The awkward part was the situation with Michael. The spark between them would take some time, maybe a lot of time. But she did value having someone she knew so well as a potential husband. The problem with that, was thinking about Brian.

For whatever reason, she could not get him off her mind. She enjoyed their witty little battle. It excited her, gave her a challenge, and felt unpredictable. Things with Michael, as they had been in the past seemed a little tame and reserved. He was careful around her as if her skin had been made of eggshells. Brian never cared much. He was always honest with her. And she respected that even if at times it meant they would fiercely bicker. Harper found it quite ironic. The one person who brought her great frustration made her feel the most alive. Even James couldn’t say that.

The ride didn’t last that long as they all only needed to travel to a good spot to picnic. And since the town was littered with great swatches of grass, they didn’t have to look too far.

They all got out of their gigs. Michael did a stretch and so did Leah. Brian and Harper could not help but make eye contact. When it lasted too long, they both broke off at the same time. What was it about him that kept her attention? That when he didn’t have it, he somehow kept stealing it back without even trying? She needed to focus on Michael. He was the one that was courting her. He was the one that would potentially start a future with her. Not Brian. He loved his drink too much.

After the blankets were laid out and all the food had been set up, Harper and Michael’s awkwardness subsided, to an extent.

“I am not a big fan of pork actually,” Michael said to Harper.

“Really? I have never met anyone who didn’t like pork. It is in such abundance in this town. You would think that pigs were related to us.”

Michael laughed.

“Ah yes, pork. The great conversation piece,” Brian said sarcastically. It had not been the first time that he intervened in their conversation. Harper could not help but wonder he was feeling jealous.

“You always have something rude to say, don’t you?” Harper said.

“Rude? I was merely complimenting your conversation. How often does anyone do that for a couple?” He let out a cheesy smile and Harper held in her laugh.

“I am surprised,” Michael started. “You have not taken a sip of wine. We have more than we needed. I think Connor had anticipated you finishing a few jugs.”

Harper looked at the untouched wine and then at Brian, who kept his stare directed at the grass.

“My stomach is bothering me. That is all.”

Harper smiled.

“What?” Michael asked.

“What do you mean, what?”

“You smiled when Brian said his stomach hurt. Do you hate him that much that it makes you happy when he is sick?” Michael laughed.

“Something like that.”


The rest of the picnic had been a success. Everyone had gotten along just like old times, and although it was not at the level of conversation that she had with Brian, Harper had made some good progress with Michael. There were still feelings of uncertainty, but it was far better than it had been on the way there.

Before they could ride back, Harper’s ears picked up a short scream over in the distance where Leah had been walking. When she looked over, she spotted Connor and Marianne helping her up. That was when Harper went over to see what had happened.

“She slipped and hurt her ankle,” Connor said.
