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The notion of taking a wife wasn’t all gloomy, though. Brian could see the benefits of the institution of marriage. He could not deny that one day he did desire offspring. And at times, he knew what loneliness was. The idea of always having a woman there to remedy that and share life with wasn’t a terrible idea when seeing it from that perspective. The options were indeed there.

The first of three was Marianne. She had always been pretty and only got prettier as time went on. The way her eyes would meet with Brian’s would always leave him in a trance that he had a difficult time breaking from. He found that to be concerning. It was one thing to be pretty, but to be pretty enough where he lost himself, that could pose him with problems down the line.

With Marianne, there was also the matter of her being trouble. She was the hard-headed type, someone who needed things to be her way or no way. And that was not a personality that Brian could see himself meshing well with, not in the short-term and certainly not in the long-term.

He wondered if he was someone who looked for flaws in people as an excuse, or had he been realistic with his judgements?

It wasn’t the case with Leah, he knew that much. Leah was a pretty girl as well. She was also smart and loyal, two traits that Brian loved in women. Intellect was a characteristic that he had always found attractive. Perhaps it was because he had never deemed himself a genius. Therefore, he had desired someone who could balance himself in that area.

The problem with Leah did not lay in her character or anything related to it. It didn’t even rest on attraction. The problem was that she had been his friend’s sister. That didn’t sit right with him. Brian could never woo someone that was the sister or his dearest friend.

Finally, there was Harper, the annoying one. No matter how many times Brian imagined himself in a romantic situation with Harper, he could not get past her annoying tendencies. There was no attraction there whatsoever. Even if there was and Brian had not realised it, then the attraction had been buried away deep. Even so, Brian had no desire to go find it.

“Father, you know of the three women who have made their interests known. I do not need to go over their backgrounds with you. The thing is, marrying one of them was mother’s wish. Not my own.”

It was then that his father went still. And Brian immediately wished that he had not brought up his mother. To call it a sore subject would have been an understatement.
