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“Sure. That can be the case in many instances.”

When Marianne heard her response, it seemed to only anger her further. “Harper, I do not mean to be forward here, but it seems that you have forgotten just how soon Brian plans on abandoning you.”

It was one thing to know that information herself and to have to deal with it on a constant basis. But hearing it from her friend both angered her and made her sad. The last thing she needed was to have it thrown into her face. “I resent that, Marianne.”

“I am sorry, but I do not want you to be foolish in this endeavour. It is well known that women are often tricked by men in their pursuit of love. It is nothing to be ashamed of. Some men like Brian can be very persuasive.”

Harper rolled her eyes and couldn’t care less over whether or not Marianne saw her do it. “Brian is taking me to London in the fall.”

Marianne stayed quiet for a moment. But then said, “And is that supposed to be some sort of grand gesture of love? He has to take you with him on his trips to keep the marriage—”

“I am going to sway him to love me.”

Marianne’s mouth fell open. “Sway him to…Harper, love is not something that can be swayed. Either it’s there or it’s not. You’re going to wind up getting hurt. And as your friend, I can’t just sit by and watch it happen. Please listen to me, you’re setting yourself up for not only disappointment, but failure.”

“I don’t think I want to speak about this anymore. I don’t want the subject of Brian to be the thing that causes tension between us. Our friendship has always been strong. And just as you said love can lead women astray, the subject of love, I think, can lead friendships astray too. I have seen it happen before.”

Marianne sat stubbornly and then went for the grapes. They did not say anything for a good while and it became rather awkward. Never before had she had such a visit with one of her friends. They had always gotten along growing up. It was very unlike them to bicker.

“Marianne, can you say something already.”

“I don’t like it for you. It is a terrible situation, and you should have just married Michael. It would have been safer.”

“I do not love Michael.”

“And you do not love…wait a moment, there is something different here.”

“I do not know what you’re speaking about.”

“Yes…” The face she wore was that of one falling into a revelation. “Are you seriously developing feelings for Brian?”

It was strange. Harper had not admitted it to herself, yet she had decided to help him fall in love with her. She had admitted to herself that she enjoyed their time together. She even let herself crave him when he wasn’t around. The truth was, and she could finally admit it, that yes, she was developing feelings for Brian. She may have even developed a love for him.

But how would she admit that to Marianne without causing another issue? How would she explain to Marianne what she could not understand? Brian was a rake. He was emotionally unavailable. Sometimes he was downright cruel to be around. And yet, deep down, Harper knew that she did love him. Not only that but she wanted a life and a future with him. That was the last thing that Marianne wanted to hear.

At the same time, it was no one’s business but her own. She was a full-grown woman capable of making her own decisions. It was not up to Marianne to decide for her what was best. She knew the progress that she had made with Brian and that was all that mattered in her book. It was time she stood up for herself.

“Yes, I have been developing feelings for Brian. Our time together has changed a lot for me.”

The face that Marianne wore after that put her previously angry one to shame. She rose from her seat and said to Harper, “You are foolish. I hoped that. He is going to hurt you and you will not say that I didn’t warn you.” Her face was beet red when she finished talking to Harper and then she stormed out.

Harper slouched in her seat and let the frustration wash over her. It was yet another issue that she would need to deal with down the line. Nothing was simple. Everything, whether it was her life with Brian, or her friendships, had become complicated. She shook her head and ate a few grapes while wondering what would happen next in her life.


Later that night, in the dining room, Harper ate her meal of beef, potatoes, and vegetables across from Brian. Even though Marianne called her a fool, she didn’t feel like one whatsoever as she listened to Brian go on about his day. In between his talking, he would mix in a little playful tease for Harper that drove her senses crazy.

Times like those were what Marianne did not see. Times like those were ones that gave Harper hope in her plan.

He was so normal. And Brian almost felt like a real husband.

“And then I told him, no, that’s not how we count money in England,” Brian said and Harper laughed so hard that she nearly spit her water across the table. “You know, you have a great laugh.”

Harper’s face nearly turned as red as the blood from the beef on her plate. “Really? No one has ever said that to me before.”

“Well, it’s true. It’s the perfect laugh.” He smiled and cut into his beef.

After dinner, they sat together in his study. She found it funny, as much grief as he had given her over reading a book in the carriage, there he was before her reading some history book himself. She read a romance novel about a princess and a knight. It had put her in a romantic mood herself.
