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They had both gotten close to Harper’s home, so Marianne went back into planning. It had worked the last time with the scandals involving James and Michael. But she had found her way out of those somehow. Even though they had both almost driven Harper to her breaking point. If she could cause Harper another scandal, that might be the final event to break Harper once and for all.

She just needed to time everything right. She needed it all to fall into place like a complex puzzle. And then, Marianne would gain the fruits of her labours. It would all be worth it to see Harper finally break; finally, to get what she deserved her entire life.

When they both arrived, Marianne took a glance at the house. Even though she had been there before, it angered her just how much space Harper had to share with her husband. She did not earn it. It was practically handed to her. It made Marianne fume inside. But she needed to keep her composure. No one needed to know what she had been feeling. What was in her heart was her own business and her plans would come to fruition if she kept it that way.

Harper was gardening in the front of the house. Even though she had been surrounded by dirt and torn up weeds, she still looked stunning and perfect. That angered Marianne further. How was it that even while frolicking amongst Earth’s dirtiest components, she was still immaculate in appearance, whereas Marianne had had trouble brushing her hair that morning?

“Gardening your life away,” Marianne teased. “The flowers look good,” she lied.

“Yes,” Leah added. “I never knew you to have a green thumb.”

Harper rose to greet them, brushing her hands against her dress to clean them off. “I have learned a lot about myself since getting married, I guess. Who would have thought that having a husband would give me the ability to care for tulips? Life is strange. I thank you both for coming to see me. It’s great to have company.”

“There is nothing like the company of friends. I was just telling Marianne on the way here that I was afraid marriage would change you.” Leah laughed. “Never did I think that it just meant you’d like flowers more.”

Harper laughed and sent her eyes to Marianne. The look she gave her was rather chilling, but Marianne brushed it off. It did make Marianne wonder, though. Did Harper know more than she was letting on?

“Well, there is a first for everything,” Harper said.

After that, they all went inside the house where they sat together in the main room. Marianne only let herself glance at the area by the door where she almost kissed Brian. A smirk came to her face when she did.

“So, how has married life been treating you?” Leah asked while taking a sip of water. “I know that the original circumstances were not ideal, has it turned around for you?”

Marianne wanted to roll her eyes but didn’t. She couldn’t have cared less for Harper’s answer. The only way that it would have been entertaining was if she had bad news. Marianne would relish some bad news.

“Well, actually other than the honeymoon, I have not had much interaction with Brian given that he departed for London about a week ago.” Harper looked at Marianne again which led her to believe that her glances were more than intentional. Something was going on. She wondered if maybe Harper was still thinking about the fight that they had. It was a reasonable assumption but didn’t seem to fit Harper’s personality to hold onto grudges like that. Their argument wasn’t that big in the grand scheme of things.

“Wow, that must be a little difficult.” Leah continued. “Why didn’t you just go with him?”

Harper shrugged and once again looked at Marianne. It was almost like she was trying to instigate. But Marianne considered herself the master of mind games. No one would play with her head like that. She would need to get ahead of the situation.

The conversation between Leah and Harper continued while Marianne sat there figuring out her next move. Her instincts could not be wrong. There was something very odd about Harper’s behaviour. It could have been something to do between her and Brian, but she doubted it. The looks she had been receiving were all too telling.

One of the servants had brought the girls out tea and set it on the table between them.

“Oh great, tea,” Leah said while serving herself a cup.

Harper watched her pour and then gave Marianne long, unmoving eye contact. It sent a chill down Marianne’s spine, prompting her to say, “So, Leah, you may or may not know this, but Harper and I recently got into a little argument. And I just want to say right here, right now to Harper, that I am sorry. I did not mean to let my temper get the best of me. I apologize. Do you forgive me? I should have never called you a fool.”

“You called her a fool?” Leah asked nearly spilling her tea. “Whatever would you have called her—”

“I do not need an apology for that,” Harper stated. “I’d rather an apology for you kissing my husband.”

Leah spillt her tea.

Everything became crystal clear to Marianne in that moment. The odd behaviour, the cold looks, Harper knew about her moment with Brian and that was fine. Sure, it burned up some of Marianne’s future plans, but nothing would get in the way of her seducing Brian. It seemed like Harper was doing a bad job at keeping him around anyway. Judging from how he almost kissed Marianne the other day, the evidence of a failing marriage was all too evident.

“So, you saw it,” Marianne said with a face of stone.

Harper rose from her seat while Leah looked highly uncomfortable.

“Of course, I saw it. It happened in my house, under my roof.”

“Oh dear,” Leah whispered.

Marianne stood up to face Harper. “Your house and your roof. Is that your way of throwing it in everyone’s faces that you are married, that you have reached the level of success—”

“Get over yourself, Marianne. No one is competing with anyone but you. And you have always been this way. You just can’t be happy for anyone unless you are getting the same. You hold nothing but jealousy in your heart and it’s pathetic.”
