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“I see,” Michael said. “It will be good to see Connor when he arrives. Although we just saw each other, it still feels as though time is fleeting.”

“That is because it is.” Brian tipped the bottle over his cup once more, but the thing was light and poured nothing. Empty. “I feel as though time is just doing as it pleases while we are at its whim. But yes, I am quite enthused that I will have my friends around me once more. It is the only time where time itself feels like it does not exist.”

Michael started laughing, but in a way where it seemed as though he had remembered something. “That time where we chased Connor up the tree…”

Brian’s smile turned into an authentic laugh that time. “We tricked him good. I thought he was going to wet his britches.”

“See, even though time is fleeting, we still have those memories that stand to be immortal, don’t we?”

“In some ways, yes. I suppose we do. I am glad you two will be there at the ball tonight. I do not find myself in the mood to be social.”

“We will have a good time.”

Brian found that hard to believe.


Michael and Brian had caught up with Connor right after their meeting earlier in the day. Since then, they had all travelled to the ball.

Being around his friends had put Brian in better spirits, to the point where he was somewhat excited. His friends had given him a sense that anything could happen, and when he had that sensation, he found it difficult to think in the negative. It was only when he saw life as predictable that he’d feel down about it. But Connor and Michael, they made it seem like anything could happen and that was fun for Brian. It made him think that maybe the summer wouldn’t be all that bad.

When they arrived at to the ball, at the entrance, Brian surveyed the scene. A string quartet played across the room. A giant chandelier hung in place, illuminating the room to almost like daylight. People laughed and danced. It wasn’t a bad environment to be in. And standing next to his two friends had given him not only a better outlook on the night. But it gave him a surge of confidence as well.

He wondered where the main attraction was, the birthday girl herself—Harper. At first glance, he could not find her. So, he set his attention on meeting a few ladies. There were plenty to choose from and they all seemed as though they were in great spirits. How could they not be at a party like that one? Even Brian was.

“Plenty of women,” Michael said.

“You should see if any of them enjoy your knack for stating the obvious,” Brian said as Connor laughed.

“Unfortunately, the girl chasing must cease for a moment as I see my sister on her way over. I do not want to come off as a hound in front of my family,” Connor said.

Both Brian and Michael laughed. “You could not come off as a hound if you grew a tail and a fondness for uncooked meat.” Brian joked.

“Brother,” Leah said while giving Connor a big hug.

Brian watched and waited for his hug. Leah looked as beautiful as ever. Of course, the irony of that was her being off-limits. But Brian barely saw her in a romantic light anyway. He just always found it funny. Life was a practical joker.

Leah gave Michael a hug and then finally reached Brian. As she embraced him, she said, “I hope you have been treating my poor brother here nicely. I wouldn’t want him crying again like when he was younger.” She had said the last part loud enough for Connor to hear.

Leah had been referencing the time that he and Michael had chased him up the tree. He had tried his best not to cry but lost the emotional battle. To his credit, Brian had never seen him cry since.

After sharing a laugh between friends, Brian noticed that Marianne had found her way to his side. She was close friends with Leah and the girl that was celebrating the birthday, Harper. She was, in essence, their Connor: quiet, reserved, thoughtful, humble.

“How are you, Marianne? It is nice to see you.” Brian couldn’t help but think back to his father’s words hinting at him possibly being romantic with one of the girls. But when thinking about Marianne in that way, it just didn’t feel right. Brian wasn’t one to consider himself as having a type, but she wasn’t his.

“I am well. How have you been? I must say that I am shocked to see you back in town. Rumour had it that you were off to see the world and never to return.”

Hearing it sounded so good but hurt all the same. Because she had only been half right. And he wished that the other half had been true as well. “Well, it seems that sometimes life has other plans. I am going to make the best of my time here for the summer.”

“The summer?” Marianne looked surprised. “That’s quite some time. I’m sure you will find something fulfilling in your time here. You already seem pleased to be out.”

“I am quite the good faker,” he teased with a smile.

Marianne looked off into the distance for a moment while a pause filled the air. “You know, they say that romance can fill any type of void. Perhaps life has stationed you here for some time to fulfil that area of your life.”

Brian couldn’t tell if she was making an innocent statement or flirting with him. When she noticed the look on his face, she quickly added, “I say that because you know I have a lot of friends who are looking in town for just that very thing.”

Brian politely smiled. “I am not interested in any woman who is looking, for that means her life has nothing else going on in it. I want a woman that doesn’t want me.”
