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Chapter 3

Harper’s attention was torn between Brian’s hand on her waist and his gaze over the room. He was still that friend with enemy qualities from her childhood. But there was something vastly different about him since that time. She tried to control her glances, but it was difficult, even with her strong sense of self-control.

Even though they had so much time apart in life, there was a familiarity between them that felt nice to her. She had feared all the change before the party and somehow being around a man who found her annoying made it feel like a piece of her past was alive and well. It was an odd sensation.

Then there was the matter of how different Brian had been. Despite their little tiff, he was far more mature than she had remembered. In all reality, she had been the one that started the interaction off on the wrong foot. She had been the immature one, on the defensive because of how handsome he was. It was intimidating. The little boy that she had once teased so much it made his face turn beet red, had become a mature, attractive man. It was the last thing she had expected.

He stole looks at her too. She caught him doing it at least twice. And the longer that they danced, the more he let his guard down in some ways. She could tell because his body felt less tense. He also pulled her in slightly, to where their torsos touched.

Harper also wasn’t lying when she said that he no longer smelled. As she danced with him, he smelled of cinnamon and another scent she could not lay her finger on. It was enticing. And overall, her dance with Brian made her forget where she was.

Even though her friends had teased them to dance together, she was happy that they had. But was that smart? He clearly didn’t feel the same things towards her. He found her to be annoying. Plus, her heart was reserved for James and James only.

“So,” Brian surprisingly started the conversation. “How is it that your dance card wasn’t already full? It is your birthday and there are so many eligible bachelors here vying for your attention.”

Harper quickly analysed the question. Her shock made it difficult to fathom that he was showing an interest in her. And she didn’t like that she liked it. She should have only been thinking of James.

“I don’t think that many men were vying for my attention, as you put it. Maybe a few, and even so, they were hesitant because of my impending engagement to James.”

“Ah,” he was shocked to hear it. “I had no idea that you were engaged…well, soon to be engaged, that is. I remember James, he is an interesting man.”

Harper could sense that his use ofinterestinghad a double meaning to it. Or at least that’s how it came off to her. It was a flurry of doubt that came rushing into her mind. When looking at a man like Brian, he almost made James look boring. The charisma that Brian had made him appear like he had an entire world behind his eyes. With each passing moment, there was an aura about him that drew her in. James didn’t have that. But he still had many great qualities.

“He is a very interesting, yes. So interesting that I sometimes find it hard to keep up with him.”

Brian smiled. “Is that so? In what ways? I only ask because sometimes I am not happy with myself, therefore, I am always on the hunt to steal the greatest qualities from my fellow man.”

Harper rolled her eyes at his sarcasm. She could feel the song ending and herself not wanting it to. “You can make your jokes, but James is one of a kind.”

“You still have not explainedhow.”

“I do not need to explain all the ways he is great. We would be dancing here all night if that were the case.”

“That is very convincing. James seems like one extraordinary fellow. I simply cannot wait to see how he proposes to you. It will most likely be extravagant, from what you are telling me.”

She wanted to smile but used every muscle in her face not to. “Keep on with your rude quips. It sounds like jealousy to me.”

“The definition of jealousy has surely changed then.”

Harper couldn’t help it and let out a giant laugh.

The song was about to come to an end and they both seemed to know that. So instead of carrying on with sarcasm and teasing each other, they let the song play and enjoyed the moment. There was heavy guilt inside Harper for enjoying the dance with Brian so much. Even when she had been speaking of James, it felt forced.

She cared deeply about James. He had been the one man that she could see herself having a future with. For that to be upended because an old childhood friend was suddenly attractive and charismatic, that wasn’t fair to James in the slightest.

“I’d hate to admit it,” Brian started. “And I mean reallyhateto admit it. But the dance was actually nice. Our friends’ plans backfired.”

Harper wanted to agree. And she almost blurted out an agreement but stopped herself. She would not betray James in that way, even if it was just a few kind words. She needed to refrain for her own sake. The second that she gave an inch, that could turn into a foot. “I am glad you enjoyed yourself,” she said coldly, trying to put as much distance between them as possible.

It might have all been for nothing though, because at that very moment, she spotted James’s walking through the front door. Her heart sunk down into her stomach. She also felt sick.

James and Brian appeared to recognise each other as the music stopped. Harper and Brian broke off and James walked up to them.

“James, it’s been a long time. I see you are still playing with women’s feelings,” Brian said with little give in his tone.

The sickness that Harper felt had shifted quickly to shock. What did he mean by that? And where did it come from? Why was he accusing James of playing with women’s feelings? He had always been kind to Harper. He also always appeared to be sincere.

“Accusations,” James said with a face growing red. “That’s how you start off our interaction? Because you want to show off to Harper. Is that it?”
