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Chapter 16

“Oh, no.” Luke froze when he stepped into the ballroom, watching as the Duchess of Bannerman approached Miss Storey. It should have been a normal meeting, nothing out of the ordinary for two ladies of thetonto meet and chat, yet the more he looked at the two of them speaking together, the more nervous he felt.

When Miss Storey’s cheeks appeared to blush a deeper shade of red at something the Duchess said, Luke couldn’t stop himself. He crossed the room toward the two of them.

“Your Grace, Miss Storey.” He bowed to the two of them politely, but his eyes lingered on Miss Storey for a beat longer. She looked down and bit her lip. It was a reminder to him of what they had just shared in the parlour.

To be back in that room with her now!

“Miss Storey, you have met the Duchess of Bannerman?” he asked, ready to complete formal introductions if they were necessary.

“In passing.” Miss Storey nodded, bringing to her face another one of those false smiles. Luke found it was becoming easier and easier for him to recognise that falseness these days. She clearly wanted to be proper, even when it was the last thing that she felt like doing. “Her Grace was just telling me that you two knew each other, very well.”

Luke felt his stomach knot as he looked between the two ladies, wondering how much the Duchess had said. One glance at the Duchess showed a rather wicked smile to be in place. He could have shuddered at that look. He had always been certain there was something cruel in the Duchess, and she was beginning to prove his suspicions were right.

“It was some time ago,” Luke said, turning his focus back to Miss Storey. The thought of her knowing just how close he had been with the Duchess at one point turned his stomach. So much so that he wished he could wind back the time on his pocket watch and undo the nights he had spent with her.

“I was remarking that you and Miss Storey seem to be friends yourself these days. What an unlikely friendship you have struck up!” The Duchess’s tone was sickly sweet, but Luke heard her true meaning, even as she attempted to hide it.

“Friends can be found anywhere, can they not?” Luke said, trying to maintain formality.

How much has she seen?

Luke thought back to the parlour, wondering if the door was open or had there been any windows through which he and Miss Storey could have been seen together, but the curtains had been drawn, and he had closed the door himself. Surely, it had to be impossible for the Duchess of Bannerman to know what had passed between them.

“Yes, you are right, my lord. In fact, I would be glad to know Miss Storey better. How interesting it would be to call her my friend too.” She turned a gaze on Miss Storey that made Luke itch to reach out and take Miss Storey’s hand as if he could protect her from the Duchess.

“Another time perhaps, your Grace,” Miss Storey said smoothly. “I am afraid my friend is calling for me.” She gestured across the room to where Miss Grove was waving to her.

“Yes, another time. I must take the opportunity to speak to Lord Yeatman when I can.” The Duchess raised her hand and passed it through Luke’s arm, before he could think of a polite way of pushing her off. “His attention is so divided these days, is it not?” She bowed her head in passing to Miss Storey and pulled Luke away.

He glanced back to Miss Storey, hoping to communicate with his eyes how this was not what he wanted, but he could not judge Miss Storey’s thoughts. He could only see the way she bit her lip once again and then raised her fingers to those lips.

Can she not stop thinking of that kiss too?

“Luke, I beg you to give me your attention for a moment as I have something to say.”

Reluctantly, Luke turned back to look at the Duchess of Bannerman as she led him away.

“Yes?” he said, practically hissing in that whisper.

“You and Miss Storey…she would not be the latest lady you were setting your eye on, would she?” the Duchess asked with a mischievous smirk. “How typical. I have been exchanged for a younger woman.”

“That is not what this is,” he spoke in a deep tone. “Besides, Miss Storey and I are friends, but there is nothing more.”

“You are a rake, Luke.” She laughed full-heartedly, clearly enjoying herself. “Do not be ashamed of it. It is one of the reasons I am so fond of you, but do you really expect me to believe you are capable of being friends with a lady alone?”

“I am.”

“Then explain that look.”

“What look?”

“The look between you and Miss Storey when you both returned to the ballroom just now.” The Duchess’s words made Luke flinch. He decided to take a leaf out of Miss Storey’s book and pretend to be untouched by what was being said. He stood taller and turned his gaze on the crowd in the ballroom.

“We looked at each other, certainly, as I would look at anyone else that I know in a room when I arrive. If you saw anything more, your Grace, might I suggest it is in your own mind alone? If you would excuse me, I have other friends to greet tonight.”

Before she could stop him, Luke released his arm and bowed to her before stepping away. He crossed the room, but he was careful never to glance once in Miss Storey’s direction, out of fear that the Duchess would see him do it.
