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That was not convincing.

“Something has happened,” he whispered, stepping toward her.

“Shh,” she pleaded, looking around the people. “This is not what we agreed. We will be heard.”

“Then let them hear,” Luke was reaching the end of his tether. He was getting to the point that he didn’t care if they heard. He just wanted to speak freely to Annie, to stop all of their secrets from having to stay so secret all the time. “I heard that you and...” He tried to utter the words, but they failed a second later.

“I what?” Annie asked, her brows knitting together.

“Never mind. Dance with me, Annie?” He pleaded, offering his hand to her.

“We agreed we would never do that in public.”

“Call it my weakness then. Please?” he begged. He wanted to be with her, in a way that it was just the two of them, back as they were. He would not feel tense, and she would not have this manner that appeared so angry. That quiet fury grew worse now, with a muscle ticking in her jaw as she looked away from him.

“You know I cannot.” With her words, he lowered his hand, feeling the disappointment grow worse.

Does she not look at me as I do her?

He thought back to the time he had offered the idea of their relationship becoming a more public courtship. All he could remember her saying in response was that she feared what her mother would say. She had never sounded eager for such a thing.

Maybe I am the one alone here, with my heart beating so hard.

That fear made his lips move and utter words before he could stop himself.

“What passed between you and Mr Knight in the library?” he asked. Annie’s jaw dropped, and she looked around, clearly terrified of them being overheard. “Stop caring what thetonthink, Annie. I do not care what they think. Let them think ill of me. They already do.”

“That is not what this is about!” Annie said in a hissed whisper.

“Truly? Because you are looking more at others around us than you are me.” He was pleading with her. At last, her eyes returned to his, but there was still that same fury in them.

“If you want someone who does not care what others think, then return your attentions to the Duchess of Bannerman. I cannot control fearing what they say.” Annie’s words left him dumbstruck, staring at her and searching for words.

What has happened here tonight?

They had gone from being so happy together to this tension.

“Please, Annie, tell me what is happening—”

“Lord Yeatman!”

Luke faltered and took a step back from Annie, recognising that voice.


Annie’s hands clenched around the glass in her grasp as she watched her mother and Mr Knight approach their side. Her own anger was so great at this time that she could feel her breath had quickened. It soon became a pant, fearful of what her mother would say, judging by the look of anger on her face. One look at Mr Knight revealed what Annie feared.

Oh no…he told my mother what he suspects is happening between Luke and I.

“If you would excuse us, we are to leave for the night. My daughter must come with me.”

“Yes, of course. May I speak to her quickly before you go?”

“No, you may not.” The harshness of Barbara’s words shocked them all, leaving Annie and Luke staring at each other. “Annie, come away. Now.” When Annie didn’t move at first, Barbara took her arm. Under the appearance of looping their arms together, she used it to tug her forward, urging her out of the ballroom, with Mr Knight following behind them.

Annie glanced back, hoping for one last glimpse of Luke, but Mr Knight stepped in the way, blocking off her view. In that moment, she resented Mr Knight more than she thought possible. It urged her to look forward once again, cursing inwardly, as they stumbled out of the ballroom.

“Mother, why are we—”
