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Chapter 27

“Has it worked, do you think?” Barbara asked as she stepped up toward the house. Annie exchanged a small smile with Luke as he offered his other arm to Barbara. “We have told so many lies these last three weeks, I scarcely know what the scandal sheets say anymore.”

“Perhaps they are unhappy things to have in this world, my lady, do you not agree?” Luke said rather smoothly. The smile that Barbara bestowed on him made Annie smile a little more.

Since the announcement of the betrothal, much had changed. Barbara had been won over by Luke soon enough. The Earl’s lingering words must have stayed with her, but Luke’s attempts to make her think well of him too clearly had an effect. She had not exactly forgiven him, nor had she forgiven Annie, but she was evidently disposed to like Luke a little more these days.

“Yes, I suppose you are right,” Barbara said nervously, fiddling with the necklace around her throat. “I am so used to running my life by what thetonthink.”

“I think I have learned, Mother, that a life thinking such a thing does not bring much happiness.” Annie felt how true the words were. When Luke squeezed her arm softly in comfort, she smiled a little more.

He knows exactly what I mean!

“As for the lies we have told, Lady Maybury, do not let them concern you. Thetonbelieve many a surprising thing,” Luke said jovially as he led the two of them toward the house that was flanked by burning torches set to welcome the guests. “Soon enough, a greater scandal than our own will occur, and that will be the gossip of the Season instead.”

“You may be right.” Yet Barbara winced all the same.

Annie and Luke exchanged an uncertain look, worried over how well Barbara could continue to lie. Annie thought of all that had passed in the last few weeks. Once the betrothal had been agreed upon, it was formally announced.

The lie they told was that the engagement had been in place prior to their being caught in each other’s arms. They claimed the betrothal was kept secret whilst they asked for their parents’ blessings. In truth, Annie was surprised so far how readily people had come to believe it.

As they reached the door of Lord and Lady Shrewsbury’s house, they followed other guests inside.

“Ah, you are here at last!” Lord Shrewsbury jumped forward, ready to welcome them. “Lady Maybury, I must beg your presence.” He smoothly offered his arm to her as he welcomed them into the ballroom.

“We are here to celebrate a betrothal after all, and it seems your daughter’s new in-laws are most desirous for your company. Lord and Lady Wells, I do not think have stopped speaking of you since breakfast. Would you come and keep them company?”

“I would be delighted to,” Barbara said with a thrilled smile and took his arm, leaving Luke and Annie as she walked away. Annie tried to hold in her snigger but failed shortly after her mother’s departure.

“What has made you laugh so?” Luke whispered, glancing down at her. Annie smiled for a minute, looking back up at him. She often fell into such happy moments these days when Luke was looking at her. She could have trembled with excitement under that gaze.

“My mother,” she explained. “Strangely enough, being noticed by an earl and a countess has delighted her very much. What a surprise,” she said wryly, earning a deep laugh from Luke.

“I should have introduced her to my parents sooner.”

“She might have fallen at your feet had you done so,” Annie said with a giggle. As her laugh faded, she felt stared at. She looked away from Luke and gazed around the room.

Lord and Lady Shrewsbury had talked of how they had decided to tackle thetonhead-on. They had arranged this ball as a celebration of the betrothal and not left anyone off their guest list. It made Annie smile a little to think of the way Lord Shrewsbury had spoken of theton.

“Let those who think ill of us stay away. We’ll know who our true friends are by who chooses to come.”

Annie was rather surprised to see many people had come, but she was not convinced all of them had come because they were friends, for many stared at her and Luke together then whispered behind fans.

“Do you think they have just come for a chance to gossip?” she whispered to him.

“Then let them gossip,” he declared with a laugh. “I am going to enjoy myself tonight, Annie. This is our celebration, is it not?”

“Yes, I suppose it is,” she said with a giggle.

“Then let us begin with doing what I have wanted to do for so long now, and I will pray that this time you will not turn me down,” he said playfully and offered his other hand to her. “Dance with me, Annie?”

She happily placed her hand in his.

“I would be delighted.”

Using that hand, Luke led her to the floor. As they walked, Annie forgot about all the people that looked their way and gossiped behind fans. She barely even noticed that the Duchess of Bannerman was there, staring at the two of them, her mouth agog as they passed her. All she thought about was Luke and this taste of happiness. Now they did not have to hide what they shared. It made the thrill all the greater.

As they took to the floor, the music began for a happy cotillion. They were not the only couple to take to the floor. Beside them, Lord and Lady Shrewsbury joined, too, as did Peggy and Mr Barton and others. Once Luke and Annie had bowed and curtsied to each other, the dance began.
