Page 26 of Dr. Bear's Mate

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“Well…” She let out a sigh of relief, then glanced at the wall clock hanging by the front door. “It’s almost eleven. And you’re calling from work. I just assumed—”

“Christ, is that the time?” He chortled, and she heard him shuffling papers about. “That’s what happens when you love what you do. Time just flies. I’m sure you know the feeling.”

“Some days,” she answered honestly, adding a little chuckle to show she wasn’t upset about it. “What can I do for you?”

“You can accept my job offer, that’s what.”

Tanith felt that familiar feeling of a blow to the gut; the news knocked the wind right out of her, and she found herself slowly sinking onto the bench by the foyer closer. “Wh-What?”

“Well, of course an offer will be formally presented, but I’ve only just received the news and wanted to contact you right away!” He sounded thrilled.

Tanith ought to feel thrilled. Instead, she felt like new, extra weight had been added to her shoulders. “Well, that’s—”

“It’s an adjunct professor position,” Dermot explained. “I think they have you lined up to teach first year practical skills. Nothing too difficult. No real theory beyond explaining techniques. The board liked my proposal of using your gallery to display your students’ art shows and the like. We had a spot to fill anyway, and you were by far the best candidate! Congratulations!”

Somehow just hearing that word—congratulations—snapped her back to reality. She might have a lot more work on her shoulders and less time for her blossoming relationship with Blake, but at least she’d have a new income stream. This could go a long way to help with Hayley’s medical bills. Maybe she could finally afford to pursue a specialist in New York she had been eyeing for the last two years. Hayley’s current doctors were capable, but this could be the extra push she’d need to make real progress.

“Thank you,” she said after she heard Dermot calling her name. “Thank you so much.”

“Come by my office when you can and we can fill out the paperwork. I think we’d like to give you a try for a late summer course, but don’t quote me on that.”

She finished up her phone call quickly, aware that Blake was waiting right where she’d left him and was probably wondering what the hell was going on. With the promise to visit Dermot as soon as she could, Tanith disconnected and took a few moments to compose herself, breathing in and out as deeply as she could. When she was finished, elation finally kicked in. This was a good thing—for her, for her daughter, for everyone.

Beaming, she hurried back to the living room and all but threw herself onto Blake’s lap. His eyes widened in surprise, but his grin quickly matched her own.

“Something fantastic has happened,” she told him, cupping his face and kissing the tip of his nose. “I’ve been offered a teaching position at the college in the art department! We’re going to be coworkers!”
