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His eyes hardened. ‘Perhaps I should have them brought here, let them confront their wilful blindness. Maybe then they’ll finally wake up to the true nature of the son they’ve spoiled his whole life. But I don’t care about your parents or your brother. A few hours ago, you were pleading with me to accept your apology. This is what it’ll take to make me consider it. Or it is something else?’ he taunted.

She frowned. ‘What do you mean?’

‘Your brother may be one reason for being here, but aren’t you here for yourself, too?’

For a wild moment, Lauren wondered if she’d somehow telegraphed those whispered taunts to him. That hot and cold sensation buffeted her again. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

His eyes narrowed. ‘Are you afraid to test the strength of your parents’ devotion to discover whether it’ll withstand your failure?’

The truth seared its way into the heart of her insecurities. Into the vulnerable place where a huge question mark loomed over the love her parents claimed they felt for her. Because even before the events of that night twelve years ago had given her father leverage over her, it’d always felt as if it was a contingency-based love. The quid pro quo kind that demanded she behave a specific sort of way in order to earn it.

Growing up, she’d been shocked to discover that, while she’d never lacked for material things, most parents, rich or poor, lovedalltheir children unconditionally.

Take her best friend, Paige, and her four siblings, for instance. On the rare occasions Lauren’s parents had let her visit them, she’d been struck by the overflowing, boisterous love their family shared. They’d fiercely supported and defended each other from harm without asking for anything in return.

That had been Lauren’s first inkling that her own relationship with her parents was lacking. The fracture had only widened with time.

Nevertheless, she wasn’t ready to admit it to the formidable man searching out her weaknesses. She lifted her chin, her heart thumping loud enough to drown out the immediate sounds outside the tent. ‘Tell me what this game is.’

Something gleamed in his eyes, a mixture of triumph and dark anticipation aimed at the heart of her turbulent emotions. ‘Are you sure?’

No, I’m not.

But she curled her hands into determined fists. ‘The earlier we finish with it, the quicker we can...’ She paused, aware she hadn’t actually secured anything with Tahir yet. ‘Do I have your word that you’ll help me?’

His lips twisted, drawing her attention to the stern upper and far too sensual lower. Lips she’d tasted with much fervour mere hours ago. Lips she shouldn’t yearn to kiss again...but did. ‘You’re losing your touch, Lauren. You used to be a much better negotiator than this.’

She pursed her own lips, the timbre of his voice and recollection of the intimacies they’d shared threatening her thought processes. ‘Do I?’

He shrugged. ‘Convince me that you’re suitably contrite and you have my word that I’ll consider your request.’

Knowing she was treading into dangerous territory by agreeing to rehash that night, that she might skate close to baring all the foolish desires she’d once harboured about him, made her insides quake. But she dragged every ounce of composure together. ‘Very well. Let’s get on with it.’

Her response should’ve pleased him. But Lauren sensed it’d done the opposite when leonine eyes narrowed on her, ruthlessly dissecting her as he uncoiled his body, leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

‘I’ve never understood this slavish devotion you have to your family,’ he drawled.

Something sharp snagged in her chest but she fought to keep it from showing in her expression. ‘If you don’t get the bonds of family by now, then I’m afraid you never will.’

The barb hit its mark, hardened his features. ‘Perhaps not. But I know they don’t deserve it. Perhaps before this is over, I’ll understand?’

Lauren would’ve sworn there was a sliver of longing in the words and in the hand he abruptly reached across the table to trail down her cheek, had it not been for the austere harshness of his features. His body was still as stiff as a marble column. Even his breathing was carefully controlled as his thumb slowly traced over her bottom lip.

Against her better judgment, she swayed towards him again, helpless beneath his touch. And watched as, a smug smile curving his lips as though he was aware he’d set off fireworks through her system, he dropped his hand and sat back.

And without ceremony, whipped off the black silk and tossed it aside.

Dazed, Lauren stared down at what he’d revealed.

Three hourglasses lay sideways, each in their own bed of deep blue velvet housed within a frame of three filigree gold plinths and gold scrollwork base. The glass looked so delicate and exquisite, she tucked her hands into her lap, mildly terrified that even breathing on them would shatter them.

Tahir held no such reservations. He plucked them out and stood each one upright with the fine sand settled at the bottom.

She immediately noted that the measures of sand were different. Why that sent another trail of fireworks through her senses, she refused to contemplate. Instead, she forced her gaze to meet Tahir’s. Then went one better and raised an eyebrow. ‘Are you going to tell me what this game is about or am I supposed to guess?’

He reached back into each velvet bed, plucking out three black pouches just about the same size as the hourglasses. ‘You see that each glass holds a different time span?’

