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Until now, with his thoughts irritatingly fixated on Lauren, he hadn’t speculated about the other Winchester’s troubles. What he’d done was instruct Ali to make discreet enquiries into Lauren’s life. He knew she worked as her father’s communications chief—an ironic discovery considering how poorly she’dcommunicatedwhen he’d needed her assistance twelve years ago. He’d also discovered that her aspirations had taken a back seat to her father’s ambitions.

And that she was unattached.

Her green eyes widened, probably in reaction to the hard bite of his question. ‘You didn’t investigate?’

‘I recall mentioning I have very little time to spare for that Winchester. Besides, I knew you would enlighten me.’

‘Okay. Well, he said he didn’t do it.’

‘Of course he did.’

Her flinch at his acerbic response produced a twinge of regret he immediately smothered.

‘What is his excuse, then? Let me guess. It was someone else’s fault?’ The question was laden with heavy scepticism he didn’t bother to disguise.

And even though he saw her reluctance to confirm what they both knew was coming next—because it would be as lame now as every excuse Matt Winchester had uttered when cornered—she attempted anyway. ‘He was part of a group passing through Jukrat on their way from a business trip. He thinks one of the others planted drugs in his suitcase.’

‘Of course he does,’ Tahir repeated, wholly unsurprised the man was still scapegoating others. Sensing there was more, he narrowed his eyes. ‘And?’

‘He tried to reach you, but his access was blocked.’

Tahir allowed himself a bark of bitter laughter. ‘Ah. For a moment there I thought he’d chosen to man up and face the consequences of his actions.’

‘With respect, this isn’t funny.’

His laughter died off, anger igniting in his belly. ‘No, it’s not. Which begs the question, under what circumstances did you think I’d lift a finger to help your brother?’

A visible tremor went through her at his chilly tone. The same tone he’d used during their last meeting when she’d shown where her true loyalty lay. He needed to keep remembering that. To not allow those alluring eyes to sway him in any way.

At his continued stare, her gaze fell, then darted to the fine golden sand eagerly building its miniature mountain at the bottom of the hourglass.

‘What makes you think I hold any sway over an independent judicial system?’ he pressed when she remained silent.

‘Matt’s lawyer seemed to think...that you would intercede on his behalf. Because Matt was your friend once upon a time?’

Tahir had only tolerated Winchester because of his proximity to Lauren. His jaw tightened with acid regret at how misguided he’d been. ‘Remind me again how that friendship ended, Lauren,’ he invited.

Perhaps it was her name on his lips that darkened her eyes. Better still, he hoped, it was her deep regret of her treatment of him.

But in that instant, Tahir was glad he’d instigated this game.

Because he intended to excise a few wounds, lay haunting ghosts to rest. And after this night, never think of Lauren Winchester again.


‘DOWENEEDto go through it all again?’ she asked, her gaze fixed on the hourglass.

‘Look at me, Lauren,’ Tahir demanded. Now he’d said her name, he couldn’t seem to stop. Couldn’t seem to stop the flashes of memory of when he’d groaned her name when he was deep inside her, her limbs wrapped tight around him as if he were her only anchor to this world.

What he’d felt in those moments...

Tahir jerked forward, physically wresting himself away from those traitorous memories. They’d been a lie. A lethal little game where the unwary paid dearly.

Not dissimilar to the game he was indulging in now. Only this time, he would emerge the victor.

When she finally dragged her gaze up, her expression held equal parts trepidation and irritation. Why that kicked up his pulse another notch, he wasn’t going to dwell on. ‘Answer me,’ he insisted.

‘What good will it do to rehash it all over again?’ she answered, a whisker of desperation in her voice.
