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‘Move on where?’ And did that include her or—?

‘My final destination is further north. And before you throw even more of that indignation my way, yes, Lauren, you’re coming with me.’


AFTERALAVISHBREAKFASTof honeyed dates, roasted oats in natural yoghurt and strong, aromatic coffee that did its job of caffeinating her, they prepared to leave.

With nothing to pack besides her freshly laundered dress currently folded into the handbag slung over her shoulder, Lauren was ready in minutes.

What she wasn’t ready for was the huge camel eyeing her with dark caramel eyes as it chewed on freshly cut grass.

She’d seen Tahir’s belongings being loaded onto two four-by-fours and watched in stunned surprise as half his bodyguards drove away with them. The remaining four were now seated on their own beasts, and Lauren felt as if everyone in the camp was watching her.

Even curled up on the ground, the creature looked hugely intimidating and deeply bored all at once. ‘Care to tell me why we’re not in the SUV with your other guards?’ she asked Tahir, who stood imposingly a few feet away having just finished conversing with the camp’s leader.

‘It’s very simple, Lauren. My kingdom, my rules,’ he stated with such simple but implacable authority, it resonated deep in her bones. ‘But if you’re feeling unduly inconvenienced just say the word and I’ll have you flown back to the capital.’

She bit her lip, eyeing the creature that looked even larger up close. ‘I’m... I only hesitate because I’ve never ridden a camel before. I... I’ve heard they bite.’

‘Only if they don’t trust their rider. Show her you’re trustworthy and you won’t have a problem.’

‘Her?’ she repeated tentatively, a little less nervous at the thought of riding a female camel.

‘Don’t let her gender fool you. The females are often the feistiest.’

She’d taken a tentative step towards the animal who was eyeing her steadily when she felt Tahir’s presence behind her.

Strong hands wrapped around her waist, and she was drawn back against a hard, solid chest. Warmth flowed over her skin, suffusing her in heat she wanted to stay in for ever.

‘Are you ready?’ he murmured in her ear, his breath causing another shiver to steal through her.

‘As I’ll ever be.’

Was it her imagination or did he give a very faint chuckle? She didn’t dare turn to investigate because she risked him seeing what his proximity did to her. How every atom of her jumped in excitement and strained towards him.

Without warning, he hoisted her up and into the saddle. Suppressing a yelp, she clutched the pommel and fought not to slide right off.

‘Lower your centre of gravity, tighten your legs and move with her. She’ll do the rest.’

‘Just like that?’

His eyes locked with hers, a sombre look drifting through the tawny depths before they hardened. ‘Sometimes the simplest solution is to let go and let be. And sometimes it is not.’

Her nape tingled, certain his response was aimed at far more than riding a camel, drenching her like a rogue wave.

She swallowed as his gaze stayed on her for a fraction too long. Then, freed from it, she watched him swing effortlessly into his own saddle, his innate grace and absolute masculinity almost too overwhelming to witness.

A click of his tongue and murmured words and both his camel and hers moved, their smooth undulating gaits settling into a pleasant rhythm once she got used to it.

When the well-wishing cries of the desert tribe faded away, they settled into a semi-charged silence. They were fully immersed in his two-and-a-half-hour time slot, and she was reluctant to raise any subject that might trigger more of his probing questions.

‘How will we know when your time is up?’ She couldn’t immediately see the hourglasses or the case they’d come in.

His gaze slid from the horizon to her, one eyebrow arched in mocking contemplation. ‘Feeling anxious?’

She shrugged. ‘As you said, rules are rules.’

‘I’ll let you know when it’s your time. Unless you doubt my honour?’ he finished with a bite that lanced through her.
