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Expecting him to use the main courtyards and hallways, she was surprised when he headed for the far end of the eastern wing.

The sound of music and laughter faded as he stopped beside an inner wall covered by a towering vine in the farthest courtyard. Despite the few lit lamps, she didn’t see exactly what he did, but she gasped when a section of the wall gave way to reveal a long, semi-lit passage.

‘What...where are we?’ she asked. Her voice shook, not because she was afraid, but because this was far too much like the fairy tales she’d discarded decades ago but, it seemed, still lived somewhere in her heart.

In the semidarkness, she caught the wicked flash of his eyes as he looked down at her. ‘When my great-grandfather built this villa, he incorporated a few... interesting designs.’

‘Like secret passages?’

His lips curved, his teeth flashing as he smiled. ‘Among other things.’

They walked for a full minute, bypassing a handful of entrances before he stopped at one. When he pressed on another discreet panel, it sprang open to reveal a long, familiar-looking hallway.

‘Is that...are we near my room?’

‘Yes. Your suite connects to mine, and we share this wing,’ he said, as if it was the most natural thing in the world. And perhaps in his world such a thing was natural. In truth, she’d discovered so many different things after less than twenty-four hours in Tahir’s orbit that demonstrated just how much she’d kept a shroud over herself.

And...she was eager to embrace it all.

When he lengthened his strides, she fell in beside him. And when he nudged the imposing door open and stepped into his suite, she girded her loins and stepped into the experience.

Tahir’s suite was unashamedly masculine, the bold terracotta colour scheme broken only by thin accents of gold. But interspersed with it were the usual splashes of equally bold colour she was beginning to associate with all things Jukrati.

Brocade sofas were positioned in the vast room with exquisite paintings and indigenous tapestries gracing the walls. But it was the emperor-sized bed that held her attention.

It was a work of art.

It was erected on an immense raised platform, the headboard a magnificent creation of dark ebony petrified wood, carved and polished into a masterpiece she would’ve loved to study, had Tahir’s hand not trailed up her arm and shoulder to clench in her hair, his other arm banding her waist once more. A shudder rushed through her at the passionate hold, her body blindly pivoting into his as he angled her head for another dominating kiss.

They kissed until she was breathless. Until she firmly believed she would climax from the magic of it alone. Her head was still spinning, her senses screaming when he broke the kiss and whirled her around.

He drew her hair back from her neck and trailed kisses down her spine, his hands wreaking equally delightful devastation. When his hands framed her hips, she turned to watch him.

The sight of Tahir on his haunches behind her, his gaze searing every inch of skin it touched, was enough to make her sway on her feet. One hand reached out to steady her, then, the moment she stilled, he tracked the backs of his hands up her legs, slowly, in an unhurried exploration that had her panting in under a minute.

‘Your skin is like the warmest silk.’ He reached the curve beneath her bottom and stroked the line from the outside in, pausing just before where she was hot and damp and almost embarrassingly needy. His nostrils flared and Lauren watched him visibly swallow. ‘And you smell intoxicating.’

Firmly, he nudged her legs apart, the thumbs stroking her inner thighs skating tantalisingly close to her apex. When his lips parted hungrily, she gave a needful moan, breaths shuddering out of her as her need built and built.

‘Do you want me to pleasure you? Taste this beautiful gift you’re offering?’

The tremor coursing through her turned her nipples to hard points and there wasn’t a single cell in her body that didn’t screechyesto his husky query. ‘Please, Tahir. I need you.’

His whole body seemed to surge at her response, an animalistic growl leaving his throat as he gripped her thighs harder, held her captive as he rolled forward onto his knees. And delivered on his promise.

Her eyes clamped shut, pleasure overflowing. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, to reach back, spear her fingers through his hair and hold him to his task. And from the healthy grunt he gave, he more than approved her enthusiasm.

Thick curses left his throat as he lapped at her, the expert swirls of his tongue at her core and over her clitoris driving her deeper into insanity until, with a cry torn from her throat, Lauren exploded in a heady climax.

She struggled to catch her breath as stars darted and tumbled behind her eyelids, as she felt him surge to his feet, a firm hand at her back to tumble her into bed.

When she finally dragged her eyelids open, it was to the sexiest striptease from the Sheikh of Jukrat, his eyes latching onto hers as he slowly stripped.

Once naked, he prowled onto the bed to crouch over her, and Lauren truly believed he was the most spectacular sight she’d ever seen.

And because it’d been so long, because she’d yearned for him so, she shamelessly explored him. From his taut cheekbones to the square jaw clenched tight to control his arousal, to the glorious landscape of collarbone, chiselled pecs and sculptured abs, he was a living, breathing tapestry of masculinity she wanted to revel in until time stopped.

Need built again, demanding satisfaction. So when, with a growl, he captured her hands and pinned them above her head on the bed, his eyes staring intently into her eyes for a minute before he swooped down to capture her mouth again, she let him, swopping one heady experience for another with an eagerness that mildly alarmed her. And then that too was washed away, obliterated by the body pressing down onto hers, the wicked tongue that had just made her come so spectacularly stroking hers, ratcheting up the fever in her veins.
