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"You can't fix this, Mya. I love you for caring, and I appreciate the offer, but this isn't something you can fix. This isn't something that's going to be okay after a cup of coffee and some sugary treat." Way to call a girl out on my usual offerings to improve her mood. "I have to do this on my own."

"Will you at least tell me what happened? You need someone to vent to, Cleo."

"Not tonight. Tonight I want to be alone." She practically chokes on the word, giving me all the information I need to draw a minimal conclusion.

Someone hurt my friend, and it was a man.

Slipping out of her bed, I walk around and kneel in front of her. She tries to turn away from me again, but I pull her in for a hug before she can, whispering in her ear. "He's not worth it if he can't see how amazing you are."

When I pull back, silent tears are falling down her cheeks.

Cleo's roomlooked picture perfect the next morning. Everything was back in its place. The curtains were open and sunlight was shining in. And my best friend was smiling as she cooked a big breakfast for all the sisters in the house.

But I saw through her facade. Her smile was forced. Her laughter was fake. And her eyes still shone with hurt.

That was a week ago.

She still hasn't talked to me.

And today, as we all gather in the common room for our weekly house meeting, I can tell something big is about to happen.

"Okay, ladies. Let's get this meeting started. We have a few housekeeping things to discuss, and then it's on to more fun topics of discussion." A hush falls over the room as Cleo begins working her way down the detailed list in front of her. Kora goes through our budget next, and then Scarlet talks about upcoming philanthropy opportunities, including the gala we’re in charge of to benefit the children’s hospital.

Everyone is starting to get a little restless when Cleo finally brings up the topic of the Halloween party.

"This year’s theme is Superheroes." We all groan in unison. The idea has been played out in recent years. I have two costumes that would be perfect for the party in my closet already. "I think we should unite together and say screw the theme."


Cleo going against an organized activity?

I'm not the only one who's stunned speechless. The room is quieter than it has been all night until someone's phone starts ringing.

"What are you proposing?" Kora finally asks when no one else finds the courage to speak up.

I wanted to. The words were on the tip of my tongue, but I know she's going to need my support right now. This rebellion is a product of her heartache.

"Well, I don't know about all of you, but I'm sick of women being stereotyped. We are superheroes every day. We make shit happen." Oh, hell. She's swearing. That's a bad sign. "We don't need to wear tight costumes and tall boots to kick ass."

A round of cheers sound through the room as I close my eyes and let out a sigh. This is worse than I thought.

"So here's what I'm thinking..." She pauses for dramatic effect, or maybe to make sure everyone is paying attention. Which they are. They're eating up every word she's saying. "I want the party here for starters."

"But it's at the Kappa house this year," someone shouts from behind me.

"It doesn't have to be. I have a plan for that."

"Care to share that plan?" Scarlet asks from beside her.

"Not yet. Let me finish telling you this one so we can vote." No one else chimes in, so Cleo continues. "We have the party here. Which means we don't have to follow the theme rules. Our house, our rules. And we all dress the same."

"You want us all to dress in the same outfit?"

"Yup. And this mansion we live in…" Cleo spreads her arms wide, motioning around the enormous room. Yes, this house is huge. Mansion ... that might be a stretch. I mean, I've seen bigger houses. "It's the perfect setting for us to be bunnies."

"As in Playboy Bunnies?" There's a few gasps followed by a round of murmurs as my sisters begin to shout question after question at Cleo.

