Page 20 of Finding the Rogue

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“I suggest we get out of here.” I shoved my tricorne on my head and gripped Ainsley’s hand as quickly as I could, trying to get us out the front door of the pub before the red-haired she-devil noticed me. I did not need nor want Ainsley involved in my past, let alone Gretta.

“Wait, you know her?” Ainsley’s voice grew louder.

“You know her?” What had this woman gotten herself into before I’d come along?

“She is after me.” Ainsley pushed at my back. “Hurry up and move your pirate ass.”

“No, she’s after me.” I turned toward her, shock no doubt coloring my expression.

Her jaw dropped before she hit my back once more. “Does any of this truly matter right now? Go!”

She was right. “Hold on tight, and keep up,” I ordered over my shoulder as I practically dragged my new companion behind me.
