Page 25 of Finding the Rogue

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Killian gruffly barked out orders to his men, while he, once again, pushed me down the steps from the bridge and toward his office and quarters.

“No, Killian, wait.” I tried to argue as we approached the door leading to the last place I wanted to be aboard the ship. “Do not put me in here,” I demanded.

I turned, struggling to escape the man who was continuing forward, acting as if he couldn’t hear me.

“Killian!” I demanded again.

He threw the door open to his quarter’s and moved me inside. “Ainsley, you don’t know that woman like I do. Like my crew does. You’ve no idea how this works.” Killian leaned against the doorframe and raked a hand over his face.

“I can help.” I slammed my sharpening tools on top of my satchel and fisted my hands at my sides.

Killian shook his head. “Not in this situation, no. You don’t know enough about how we fight. Or how Gretta operates.”

“How is it you know so much about her?” I stepped forward, anger lacing my tone. I did not want to be left behind.I wanted answers!

“Ainsley, now is hardly—”

“Why?” I couldn’t help but shout.

Killian glanced over his shoulder as his crew prepared for battle. “Dammit, woman. She and her boss nearly killed my brother. He owed them money. The debt was transferred to me, only to be paid back ten-fold. She’s cruel and delights in torturing others in every way imaginable. I gave you my word I’d keep you safe. Allow me to keep my promise.”

I took a step back, unsure of what to say. He could be lying. But the pain in his eyes made me believe every word. “I’m sorry,” I whispered.

He nodded once. “Stay here. It’ll be over soon.”

With that, he was gone. I paced the length of the room as I tapped at the sword on my side. Killian knew I had magic—why would he not let me out to fight, even if it was a risk?

The Phantom Saber jostled, and I stumbled backward at the collision. Shouting from outside picked up, and the first sound of clanging metal clued me in that the battle had begun. Something inside of me snapped. I could not allow someone to risk their life for mine, nor put an entire group of men in danger who owed me nothing.

The door was locked, but I used my sharpening tools and had the lock picked in less than a minute. Thank you, Jackson, I thought to myself, smiling at the handy little things I had learned having him as a best friend.

Opening the door with ease, I gasped at the sight of so many pirates dueling on the ship. Across the main deck, and up on the bridge stood Killian and Gretta—engaged in a heated battle. Killian was keeping up with her, but the disgusting robot woman would not tire as he would.

I bounced on the balls of my feet, confirming that I had my sword once more, and amping myself up to make a beeline for Killian’s battle.

I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I was ready. I moved swiftly, interjecting myself into the melee on deck and hoping that my quick flash across their field of vision would be enough.

Taking the stairs up to the bridge two at a time, I brought my sword forward, aiming toward Gretta’s head as quickly as I could.

Her mechanical eye turned sideways, staring at me (so creepy!), while the rest of her focus remained on Killian. She halted my advances.

“Are you mad, woman?” Killian shouted as he rained down blow after blow upon Gretta.

My arms tingled as I watched Gretta block every single one of Killian’s advances and attacks. Fury unlike anything I had ever felt welled inside of me, and I aimed my strike at the non-mechanical side of her body. She deflected me again.

“Little Ainsley, you are out of your element, darling.” Gretta’s taunt spurred me on.

“Perhaps. Perhaps not.” Swinging my blade into a high arc, I brought it down just as she swiveled on her feet to meet Killian’s strike. I grunted and went back for more. I did not care what she thought of me.

This was my fight as well. I would not allow her to win. Not if I could help it. I continued trading blow after blow, with Killian at my back while one of Gretta’s mangy-looking pirates jumped into the battle. Pushing forward, I swept my foot beneath his legs, and as he crashed against the deck, I drove my sword downward and into his gut. I wiped my bloodied blade on his trousers and turned back to Gretta.

Killian’s assaults had grown more furious as I intercepted with pathetic efforts.

At least pathetic as far as his swordfight was concerned. Stepping away for a moment, I stared down at my hand—it had begun to spark with light—clenching onto the metal hilt. If there was ever a time that I needed my magic to be somewhat controllable, it would be now.I felt a warming sensation in my gut. Was this it?

Thunder boomed again, and the rain came battering down in waves onto the deck. My sword shuddered in the palm of my hand and clattered to the ground.
