Page 26 of Finding the Rogue

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“Ainsley?” Killian shouted over the din of the melee and raging storm.

“Ahhhh,” I cried and threw my head back. I lifted my hands as they trembled, and the surge of energy coursing through me was the most powerful that I had felt thus far.

A bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, coming straight toward the Phantom Saber. Only it did not strike the ship—it engulfed my hands, and my entire body felt as though it were aflame. However, the pain only lasted a moment.

The trembling and shaking ceased almost immediately, and the new power I felt in and around me was electrifying.It was as though I were made from lightning itself, but how was that possible?

It didn’t matter. I had a job to do.

I turned and glared at Gretta, who had stopped fighting Killian to watch the freakshow that was me.

As she returned my stare, I knew exactly what to do. It was now second nature in my mind’s eye.

This was battle.

It was war.

It was protecting Killian and his crew.

Thrusting my arms forward, palms up, I sent a bolt of lightning streaming from my hands and toward Gretta. The force of my attack sent her spiraling across the deck. The mechanical parts of her body sparked, and she lay still.

I strode toward her and knelt by her head. “Leave us alone,” I hissed in her face. I brought my hands up as if I were going to strike again, only this time, Gretta growled and leapt to her feet, throwing herself over the edge of the ship.

I ran to the side, Killian close by me, as we watched her figure fading through the clouds and slowly dropping down to the earth below.

An eerie silence spread across the ship. I glanced around and watched Killian stride forward onto the bridge, waving his sword in the air. “Gretta is no longer here. If you wish to leave in peace, I suggest you do so at once. This is your one and only warning.”
