Page 33 of Finding the Rogue

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As the next blow rained down, I blocked it with my sword, but instead of remaining on my feet, I stumbled back a bit. And just for show, I fell onto the deck, landing on my ass with a loud “oof.”

Crew members jeered and shouted for their captain. I could not wait to see their shocked expressions. These men had no idea just what sort of lady they were observing, but they would soon learn. And without magic to aid me.

“Well, it appears the great Ainsley isn’t as well-trained as she thought,” Killian teased, reaching down to give me a hand.

I gave him a withering glare. “You have not bested me yet, Captain. A stroke of luck hardly makes you a better swordsman.” I stared at his outstretched hand and then back into his blue, blue eyes that twinkled with mischief.

Stroking his chin, the cocky pirate studied me. “It seems you do listen when you want to. Using my words, eh? How adorable.” He smirked, offering me his hand again. “Come now, let us get you off the deck.”

Huffing an impatient sort of sigh, I accepted his hand, but when I did, I pulled him down to my level, and swiveled my hips, knocking his feet from underneath him. Leaping to my feet, I stood over Killian and held the tip of my sword to his neck as gasps from his crew members rent the air.

“Bloody hell, woman!” Killian’s shock caused a laugh to bubble up my throat.

“It would serve you well never to underestimate your opponent, Captain. I may be but a mere woman, however, as I have told you, I am certainly well-trained, and I do not always fight fair.” I arched an amused brow. “Do you yield?”

He narrowed his eyes. “Well played, mi’lady. Well played. For this round, I yield. Now kindly remove your sword from my throat.”

With a triumphant smile, I withdrew my sword and sheathed it to my waist, offering Killian my hand.

“Oh, no. I shall do quite well getting to my feet on my own, mi’lady.” Killian gave me a sidelong glance as he sat up on his elbows. “Remember, I can fight dirty as well. Next time, I’ll not take it easy on you.”

Chuckling loudly, I held my belly. “Oh, does the poor pirate have a case of bruised ego? I am certain there is something in the med bay to conquer your ailment. I hear beer has healing properties.”

The entire crew erupted into raucous laughter, and as their captain rose to his feet, dusting off his backside with a stern glare, then all at once, they each turned and got back to work. “You believe yourself comical, love?”

All of a sudden, a call came from the crow’s nest, immediately ceasing our playful banter. “Royal Navy approachin’ off the port bow! All hands on deck! I repeat: Royal Navy approachin’ off the port bow! Ready the weapons!”

