Page 35 of Finding the Rogue

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“Oh, Killian. I, um, I…” I could not believe I’d kissed a man, first no less. Was I a hussy? Or was I lost in the passion and heat of his words? They were sensual and maddening all at once. I had leaned in close and grabbed him without thinking. But, did I honestly regret it? I could say with absolute certainty, I did not. Not in the least. His lips were soft, warm, full, and inviting. And, he had drawn me in even further, our bodies flush, tongues touching in the most intimate of ways. I could feel the defined muscles beneath his clothing, and it had spurred me on. I had never been so close to a man. Jackson did not count, and even then, I had never been that close to him.

Mother would say it was completely indecent, but me? No. I was ticking this off on my adventure list. And Killian just so happened to volunteer to teach me to use my sword as a conduit for my magic. How? I had no idea. Nevertheless, it was worth a try.

Killian was staring at me, open-mouthed, and in what appeared to be shock. Crap. Perhaps I should apologize for being so forward. “I’m sor—”

His eyes flared, then darkened, and without allowing me to finish my sentence, he drew me to him, his hands splayed against my back, and kissed me again. This time, even more passionate than before.

Feeling my knees weaken as he deepened the kiss, his tongue demanded entrance into my mouth. I felt my chest heave as heat traveled from the pit of my stomach to my lower extremities and beyond, with what I could only assume was desire. Heck, I had no idea, but whatever it was, it jolted throughout my entire body like a firestorm. A kaleidoscope of colors erupted behind my eyelids, surely letting me know that I may faint from his kisses alone at any moment.

Reluctantly, I pushed at his chest and stared into an ocean’s depth of blue. “Killian, I…” I hesitated for a moment and cleared my throat. “We must stop and... ensure the ship I left floating adrift will be all right, Royal Navy or not.” Phew. That had been hard to say, but it was the truth. I needed to right myself and my mind.

Shaking his head, Killian stepped back and gently slid the pad of his thumb along my bottom lip. “You are right, mi’lady. My apologies.” He bowed before me and I rolled my eyes.

I blew out a breath, finally coming to my senses. “Oh, stop with the bowing, honestly.”

He chuckled, and together, we turned toward the portside to assess the damage.

In the aftermath of the fight, the navy ship had certainly been left adrift, with its crew tied up and left hanging from ropes. They were screaming for help, and I felt my heart pinch a little, recalling Jackson’s words, what now felt like eons ago.Oh, how I missed my dear friend, yet I had known he could not join me. But the pangs of our lifelong friendship tugged at my soul. His words of advice, ever being the reasoning to my, at times, irrational thoughts.

Turning to Killian, I gave him a pleading expression. “I realize we do not want them following, but what if I maneuver the ship so the men are safe and unlikely to fall to their deaths? Perhaps I had used a bit more power than intended, so I feel responsible. It’s the least I can do. After that, however, we must depart immediately.”

Killian peered at the ship in the distance. “I assure you they are prepared for battle and quite capable of getting themselves out of situations such as this.” He paused, and something, an emotion I could not identify flashed across his eyes.

In passing, and much too quickly before our battle with Gretta, Killian had mentioned his belonging to the Royal Navy once before. My actions now seemed rash toward the vessel that housed what I had always known were the good guys.

“If you believe there is something you can accomplish from a safe distance, you may. But we need to make haste to the Hall of Knowledge. Your existence will bring much more than one Royal Naval vessel.” He left my side, striding toward Rek and a few other crew members.

Staring out toward the damaged airship, my heart tightened as though an invisible hand were squeezing the organ, causing my breath to sputter uncontrollably for a few short moments. Who could help me learn this magic so that people were not at greater risk than necessary?

Inhaling a deep, calming breath, I allowed my power to flow to my hands, just as I had when practicing sword fighting with Killian.

What do I do?

I lifted a silent plea to the heavens above—to God Almighty and anyone who may well be listening—begging my magic to assist me in some way. I needed to help everyone I could if the power to do so were specifically within my grasp. Who was I if I brought harm to those who had done nothing to harm me? Granted, if Killian were right, they could very well wish to harm me, particularly if they knew who and what I was.

My mind spun with endless scenarios and possibilities, as the spaces of my cognizance only filled with more questions. Closing my eyes, I squeezed them tightly to quiet the inner noise that had become overwhelming. I lifted my hand and subconsciously swiped at the air, as though it could help eliminate my wayward thoughts.

A breeze blew across my face, fiercely, and in the same direction my hand had swung. I flinched and opened my eyes. Carefully, I raised my hand again and moved it transversely past my face, and with it, the wind followed, beckoning my unforeseen call.

It was not just lightning that my magic controlled, it seemed. I clenched my fist and then brought it down, flattening my palm against my thigh, lifting my head, and studying the clouds in the sky. Recalling when I had used my power before, a thought occurred to me. The clouds’ movements had begun when I’d prepared myself to attack the threatening ship. I balled my hand into a fist once more, and a distant thundering rumble sounded.

Could it be?

Gazing toward the naval vessel, I could still hear the strangled cries of help ringing out, as the ship was unable to right itself. I concentrated, focusing on the vessel and the thundering skies around me. If I were right, this storm was indeed one of my own creation. This storm was mine, and mine to control. I only had to maintain the power within me to wield it, to cast, to command the elements to come at my unspoken call.

Holding my arm outward, palm face-up, magic ignited in and around my fingers, tingling down my arm and lighting up in bits here and there. I gently swayed my palm from side to side and felt the wind wash over me in the same rocking motion that I had mentally commanded my hand—the elements.

And then, I focused everything I had on the ship of the Royal Navy. I spun my arm around, fluttering my wrist and waving my palm, visualizing the wind righting the wrong I had made earlier on. The vessel in the distance rocked and then swayed slowly. I shifted my hand again and watched in awe as the ship righted itself. Completely.

I could not help the triumphant grin that spread across my face, as the shouting from across the sky lowered to a nearly faint murmur of voices that could scarcely be heard upon the dying wind. While there was no possible way the vessel would be able to follow us, at least it appeared that those aboard were safer than they had been when I had first struck them.I sighed, contented, and relieved that no one had perished. I was not certain I could have lived with myself otherwise.

Glancing about to see if my victory had been witnessed by the others, I suddenly realized they were nowhere to be seen. A few crew members were preparing the ship in different areas of the main deck. But Killian, Rek, and the small group they had been with what felt like only moments ago had disappeared. I backed away from the railing of the ship and proceeded to locate them. We could depart now, and I knew time was critical if so many others, be it the Royal Navy or of the pirate variety, knew about me—and dare I say, my abilities and true parentage—as Killian suspected.

I searched the bridge and did not see the pirate I was looking for. Where had they gone?

A loud bang startled me, and I gazed down the passageway from the deck that led to Killian’s office. I cautiously stepped forward as voices became clearer.
