Page 37 of Finding the Rogue

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My rest had been fitful, dreaming of nothing but lightning, my mother, the duke, and of course, Jackson. I had been running, attempting to keep them safe, but my magic had destroyed them all. I had awoken early and jolted out of Killian’s bed (he had slept elsewhere below deck in the male quarters), panting and nearly out of breath. It had taken a moment to realize where I was, and even then, the stuttering of my heart refused to quiet. I’d quickly washed up as best I could and dressed in nearly the same ensemble, with the exception of my trousers and underthings, knowing I would soon have to create or purchase at the very least, another top piece.

“We are close to our destination, mi’lady.”

Kilian’s voice sounded behind me, although I had heard his clunky booted footsteps as they made their way across the wooden ship before he had arrived. If I were to escape with what I needed, it was imperative I did not display any sudden signs of hesitation. I could not reveal my hand.

“And then?” I inquired, turning around and hoping my gaze appeared eager instead of questioning his intentions.

“There will be attendants inside to assist in our search. We will find a list of matches for your seal, and Silverthorne should be one of them. We may also learn of his last recorded location. It will be our best clue as to where he is now.” Killian flashed a triumphant grin my way, and I merely nodded.

I fiddled with the half-sealed slip of paper and the key in my pocket. Was it possible? Could I truly be close to finding answers? Finding anything at this point would be helpful.

Killian knelt on one knee before me. “Ainsley, when we depart the ship, stay close to me. We will need to move straight to the Hall of Knowledge. The archives are not exactly the safest place to be, not with word quickly spreading that a lightning caster has been spotted.”

I nodded once more. Agreeing to obey Killian was my only option right now. And after all, so far, he had protected me. Even if it were for his greater, “secret purpose,” whatever that may be. Too bad for him, I was not going to stick around and find out.

He left my side and I stood, watching as a port in the distance grew closer and closer. I inhaled the fresh air around me, breathing it in deeply. If only Jackson could see me now. It would take him by surprise no doubt, and not only my newfound magical abilities. No, it would be far more than that. For the first time, regardless of being in the dark on so many things, I felt alive. Free. As though I were finally living the life I had been born to live.I inhaled deeply once again, relishing the sensation of it all.

And that was something no one could take from me.

This steam portwas much different than the one we had left behind in Darkhold. It was much more Rookhallow Proper than it was dingy pirate-filled streets. We would likely stand out a bit, which must have been why Killian had wanted me to remain close by.

Rek shouted that the plank had been readied so we could depart the ship. A few of the crew members stared me down as I walked by, seemingly unsure of me. I honestly could not blame them now that I had a bit of time to sort through my overwhelming emotions. My presence aboard their ship was new, and add in unfamiliar and dangerous magic? Well, that would likely give any sane man or woman pause. But I also did not let my guard down—I refused to. Nowhere was safe at the moment.

Killian pressed his hand against the small of my back as soon as our feet hit the cobblestone street below the ship. It caused a ripple of gooseflesh to disperse along my exposed skin and everywhere else in between. Damn pirate. The bustle of the port was buzzing, and it was as if this place had its own pulse. People were bartering and calling out departures. I could only stare, studying my surroundings as though I were a child once more.

“Ainsley,” Killian muttered under his breath. “Quickly now.”

Putting my head down, Killian shifted, taking the lead as he reached for my hand. I could not desist the sparks lighting up and striking his palm, also coming to learn that more and more, my magic was impacted by my emotions. At that very moment, I could not pinpoint if the one I felt was anticipation for what was in store, or tension from Killian’s touch alone.It honestly may well have been both.

I closed my eyes for a moment, as my feet continued to move, shaking off thoughts of the pirate at my side. We drew closer to a large building, crowned with a glass dome that stood out from the rest of the typical red brick around us. Marble stairs carried us closer to the front entryway, and I knew with every fiber of my being that we were close to our destination. I could feel it within my bones. The arched windows around the structure were topped with marble figures, and the intricately carved details were extraordinary. I wished to pause and take in the breathtaking and wondrous sight, but Killian hadn’t slowed, even as we neared the large brass-door entryway.I sighed wistfully, as I felt that this was a place I truly belonged. I had no idea why I felt such a way, but I recalled my mother telling me to listen to my gut. And so, I did.

We entered, and the noises from the busy port and streets we had practically run through were drowned out the moment the doors closed behind us. We were immersed in complete silence. The entrance to the grand building had us walking forward with only one place to go: toward a circular marble desk and greeting area. However, no one was there, and as we approached, Killian finally released my hand from his grasp.

“Where is everyone?” I questioned.

He glanced around and shrugged. “I have only been inside this building once before. It was quiet then, as well.”

We stood for a few moments, waiting to see any signs of life turn up. A loud creaking noise echoed around us, and I jumped toward my companion, thankfully refraining from screeching. He gently pulled me behind him, but not enough where I could not see as he watched in the direction of which the sound had come.

Slowly, an elderly-looking man with thick salt-and pepper hair shuffled toward us. His feet scuffed the tiled floors, and he adjusted his spectacles at least three times before getting close enough to us that he lifted his gray eyes and met ours. He blinked a few times, but then removed his glasses and cleaned them on his slightly frumpy sweater before perching them back upon the bridge of his thin nose and pursing his lips.

“Well, now, what’s a fine-looking pair doing here inside my hall on this glorious day?” His voice was low, but kind, nonetheless.

I smiled in response, wondering how many visitors he received, if any, on a daily basis. Before I could utter a word, Killian jumped in. “We have a partial pirate seal, and we are hoping to speak with someone who could aid us in identifying it. And perhaps finding where we may communicate with the owner.”

The older man chuckled. “Pirate seals. Slowly becoming a thing of the past, what with these modern contraptions being built e’ryday.” He turned and walked away from us, leaving in the same direction from which he had come. We hadn’t moved, and the gentleman turned and beckoned us forward. “Well, come on, then.” He continued talking as we walked behind him. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, seals are still the way to go, but I wonder if they’ll soon be a thing of the past.” He sighed with a small shake of his head.

“Come, come. Through this door.” He pressed his hands against a set of double doors that seemed much larger than he should have been able to move. When we stepped inside, I turned in awe of the astonishing beauty surrounding me, and this time, Killian could not rush me.

We were in another, albeit smaller, circular room, but this one was lined with shelves upon shelves of books. There were more than anyone could possibly devour in one lifetime. Ladders adorned the walls, leading higher and higher toward the massive ceilings, all filled to the brim with leather-bound tomes.

“What is this place?” I whispered.

“The Hall of Knowledge, my dear.” The elderly man was beside me, and although he was older, he still towered over me in height. He placed a hand on my arm and gave it a gentle pat. “It has that effect on me, too.” A small twinkle in his eye made me smile at him again, and I laughed.

“If you’re quite done,” Killian said, breaking the spell that the hall had cast upon me. “We must hurry.”
