Page 47 of Finding the Rogue

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“Ainsley, there wasn’t a day that went by that I didn’t wish that we’d had a normal life. But we made a deal for your safety, and I don’t regret that for a single minute, not for the selfishness of wanting to have watched you grow. To have been the one who taught you to maneuver a sword.”

“To explain why this infernal magic blasts out of me uncontrollably when I’m upset?” I chimed in.

Silverthorne leaned back and shook his head. “You can thank your mother for that. She’s the caster. All I’ve ever been good at is swinging a sword.”

I pursed my lips, eager to jump in and figure out what happened now, when the man from earlier, supposedly sailing us to wherever Silverthorne wanted to go, burst into the room.

“Ship’s approachin’. Fast.”

I rose quickly, too quickly, and brought my hands to my head as I crashed back onto the chair.

“Magic takes time to adjust to, Ainsley. You must rest. If my assumption is right, and the super-storm above our battle was somehow brought on by you, it will take days to recover.” Silverthorne kept a hand on me as he turned back to the man who’d joined us.

“Rees, must you barge into my private quarters?” he questioned casually and unbothered.

Rees folded his arms across his chest. “Next time an enemy wants to sail up beside us, then I’ll let it take ye by surprise then.”

Silverthorne chuckled. “What ship?”

“That’s the problem, ain’t it?” Rees said, visibly frustrated. “I don’t recognize it.”

Silverthorne left the room with Rees, leaving me behind so quickly I barely had time to register their departure.

Cursed blazing stars. No.I stood from my chair, determined not to be kept sheltered any longer in quarters, brigs, hulls, or whatever other parts of a ship these men were determined to hide me.

I made my way to the main deck once more, watching as Silverthorne and Rees stood looking out over the horizon.

“Bash’s men?” I heard Silverthorne question. “Doesn’t matter. Ready the weapons,” he shouted to his crew.

“There’s no need.” I interrupted loudly. The men turned to face me.

“Ainsley, we can’t be too careful,” Silverthorne said. “Especially with you casting such powerful magic in front of so many.”

Shaking my head, I tried extremely hard not to roll my eyes at the warning that I was as used to hearing as my own name. “That ship belongs to Killian Flynn. He’s coming for me.”

“Ready the weapons,” Silverthorne shouted even louder.

I walked forward and touched his arm. “Is that truly necessary?”

He raised a questioning brow at me and grumbled something under his breath. “Prepare to be boarded. Weapons down. For now,” he added the last part brutishly.
