Page 50 of Finding the Rogue

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Standing there, watching what appeared to be shock color Silverthorne’s face, I awaited his decision. We didn’t have much time, because soon enough, Bash would be moving in.

All of a sudden, he barked out a laugh and shook his head. “You are your mother’s daughter, through and through. You drive a hard bargain.” He stopped and glared at Killian, and I blew out a breath. “We will come together. For now. That is all I can promise.”

I smiled and threw my arms around his neck before I thought of what I was doing, but he embraced me tightly. “You have no idea how long I’ve waited to hug my baby girl.” He drew away and peered into my eyes. “You’re no longer a baby, though. You are a grown woman, and I must remember that.” Silverthorne nodded toward Killian. “We shall sail together to the cliffs of Inwardbend.”

“Aye,” Killian responded and looked to Rek. “Get the crew ready to sail. I’m staying with Ainsley, and the Phantom Saber will follow.”

“Aye, Captain.” Rek turned, giving me a small bow, a smirk playing on his lips, and I rolled my eyes. “Mi’lady.”

“How far is this place?” I questioned anyone who would answer.

“We’re not too far, perhaps fifteen minutes or less. The entire island is cloaked with your mother’s magic. It is how we’ve been able to remain hidden all these years—so not to worry, Bash will not be able to follow.”

My mouth nearly dropped open. A magical place? An island? My mother must be supremely powerful in order to perform such an extraordinary enchantment. I could not wait to meet her.

Killian’s strong arms wrapped around me from behind, and he rested his chin upon my head. “Are you prepared to see such magnificence?”

“I am. I am also prepared to listen to your story about royal life, but not now. I wish to enjoy the wind in my hair with you at my side, and to finally not have danger lurking nearby.”

“Whatever you wish, love.” He kissed my hair, and my body shivered. I adored this man, this pirate, royalty or not. It didn’t matter to me.

I could feel my father’s eyes (it was still so odd to call him my father) boring a hole into me, and I tilted my head in his direction. He was staring at me as though he wanted to say something, and his eyes had become red-rimmed once again.

“Killian.” I spun around to face him. “I believe I should talk to, um, my father.” I lowered my head, but he hooked a finger under my chin and pressed a soft kiss to my mouth. My heart pitter-pattered in my chest.

“Go on now. I’ll just be over here.”

Inclining my head, I moved to Silverthorne’s side and bumped him in the shoulder. “Something on your mind?”

It seemed to break him from a daze. “Oh, um, yes. I was only thinking. Of you as a child, and all of the little things your mother and I missed out on. But I know you wanted for nothing. I only wish—”

I interrupted. “You cannot look back, only forward. We can make memories together now, as a…family?” I hadn’t been certain until that very moment how much I truly wanted to get to know my birth parents. And I knew in my heart it would never take away from the unconditional love I held from the loving parents who raised me as their own. They were mine, forever and always.

“Prepare to land!” Rees called from the bridge. “We’ll be just on the cliff’s edge.”

A chorus of “Ayes” sounded around the ship, and my body flooded with sudden nervousness. Magic. My mother’s magic!

Deep breaths, Ainsley.

The ship landed smoothly, as though we were still hovering midair. I peered over the railing to be certain, but we were indeed on land. Green grasses and colors of all sorts dotted the landscape. It appeared as I imagined paradise would. Lush in every way. Waterfalls with the bluest streams I had ever laid my eyes upon. A valley full of vibrant wildlife, trees as tall as the eye could see.

As soon as the plank lowered, I took off and planted my feet on the ground, holding my arms out to the side, feeling the sun’s rays upon my face, and spinning in a circle. I wondered if this was what Heaven was like.

I heard Silverthorne call for me, and I reluctantly ceased my awestruck revelry, just as the Phantom Saber landed behind my father’s ship.

He slowly strode toward me and took my hand, leading me beneath a large Willow tree where we could talk. Clearing his throat, he met my gaze. “Ainsley, you are my flesh and blood. We must meet up with your mother and discuss how to move forward.” Silverthorne stood with his shirt billowing, nearly sounding like a father, demanding and giving no choice.

Suddenly, Killian appeared at my side. Crap. I should have known their alliance would not stand for long. “Do not force her to choose a suicide mission that you are unclear of. She needs to be kept safe,” Killian argued. His intentions were well-meaning, but it didn’t make them less obnoxious to listen to. Even if he were silhouetted by the orange glow of the now-setting sun, speaking of how he would protect me no matter what danger came our way.

“We should work together,” I shouted at both of them. “This bickering will get us nowhere, and I do not have to choose anything. We need to figure out where we go from here. Avenge the duke.” I nearly choked on a sob thinking of his murder. “We need to save people from the chaos Bash is causing.”

“We know nothing of Bash and his plans,” Killian argued, as though he hadn’t heard what I had said earlier on.

“Speak for yerself, child,” Silverthorne shot back.

“Enough.” I yelled so loud it made my throat hurt.“I do!”
