Page 21 of Faerie Magic

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While he seemed polished and bright, he also barely met my eyes. Was he shy? His voice was commanding and presence domineering in front of Ms. Trapsbury. But here, alone, he was different. Quieter.

He spoke again, picking up a book of his own choosing and setting it on a nearby table. “You’ll be with me most of the time. Through my training, through my day. It’s customary. I’ll ensure you have plenty to read to become more educated about where you are. I can’t imagine being stuck in a strange land, completely naïve to its culture.”

I almost took offense to his statement, but his tone wasn’t arrogant. In fact, his eyes almost looked as though he was sad for me.

He turned and I grabbed his arm, surprised by my own forwardness. Damn muscular arm tied to this too good-looking prince. I shook off those thoughts. Looks wouldn’t distract me from getting free. But until then, I couldn’t risk Ms. Trapsbury or anyone else thinking I wasn’t living up to what I needed to. And Prince Noah hadn’t fed after all.

I straightened up, trying my best to look confident.

Prince Noah looked down at his arm before his gaze rose to meet mine. I hadn’t let go, nor had I spoken up about the purpose of my probably inappropriate physical contact.

I coughed, choking down my fear. “Do you need me to, um, bare my neck or something?”

His eyes hadn’t left mine, but as I stared him down, his gaze flittered down to my neck. Time slowed. The only sound I could hear was my own breath, picking up as Prince Noah’s fingers brushed my hair back and over my shoulder, exposing my collarbone.

I shivered and immediately started rambling to keep from acknowledging the jolt running through me at his barely there touch. “M-My job is to feed you…” My voice wavered and trembled. “And I was warned if I don’t do my job, I’ll be cast out or worse. I don’t like the sound of that, considering I have no idea where I am or how to get home.”

Prince freaking Noah still didn’t speak. His lips parted as he stared at my neck and I tensed, fully expecting to feel the pain and utter humiliation at being demeaned to a food group.

“Does it have to be the neck?” My voice shook even more as Noah’s pupils dilated.

“No,” he finally spoke. “It could be anywhere.”

With his trance on my neck I figured that was still the best bet. I closed my eyes and stepped forward, practically into Noah and moved my head to the side.

His hand came up and rested on the top of my shoulder. The touch was heavy, hot. Instead of jerking away and flipping him onto his back like I normally would do if someone dared to touch me, I froze. I let him have his hand on me.

The realization had me reeling. I learned long ago someone’s hands on me would always cause pain. Darryl made sure that stuck with me. My defense mechanism was my independent, standoffish charm that seemed to deter any assholes who dared to make a move on me.

But Prince Noah’s touch wasn’t predatory…which made zero sense since the man was going to drink my freaking blood.

I swallowed and my stomach clenched in a way it never had before. I gasped softly as I felt his breath caress my neck. My knees buckled at the warmth of the feeling.

His other arm wrapped around me to hold me up and his lips pressed against my neck.

I wasn’t scared. Hell, I was too turned on to be scared. What was happening to me? I don't let people affect me. And yet in that exact moment, I was showing my cards. Prince Noah had weakened me with a simple touch, and it didn’t seem possible. I wanted to be angry, but nothing broke through the haze of the moment.

Without warning, Noah’s lips were gone, and he jerked away as if he was disgusted with me.

“Come, I’ll escort you to breakfast.”

He threw open the library doors and didn’t even spare a glance back to see if I’d obey and follow.
