Page 13 of Deceit

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Chapter Twelve


“Open this door you hermit!” I hear a voice yelling past my front door and immediately recognize the crazy to be my best friend, Isabella.

I slide my hands under my butt to lift myself off of my chaise and walk towards the door, opening it and letting her in. “I’m not a hermit. A lot has happened, and I need time to process,” I tell her, watching as Isa rolls her eyes and throws her hands in the air.

“You can’t just live your life in fear. Plus, your soon to be husband literally kills people for a living. I’d say you’re safe,” she says it a little too loud for my comfort and my eyes nearly bug out of my head.


“You can’t tell me that your neighbors can hear through these incredibly thick walls. That’s asinine.” Geeze. I don’t ever remember her being such a smartass. “So, where is the handsome fella anyway? Marcie showed me a picture, boy he’s smoking!”

I furrow my brows, “Marcie?”

“Marci-ell-us,” she giggles, walking alongside me down the hallway. When we get in the living room, she takes a seat in the chair next to my chaise.

“Giving my brother a nickname?”

“Oh, a little bit. He likes it when I tease him anyway.”

“You know what they say about teasing?”

“What’s that?”

“People only do it when they have a crush on the other,”

“No, that’s crazy,” she states, meanwhile I think it’s bullshit. Isa has always been obsessed with Marcel, from the time we we’re just thirteen she’d stare at him with googly eyes. “So, your wedding! Let’s chat about that. Shall we? Obviously I’ll be in it.”

Isa goes on and on about what makes a good wedding, how the food and the small things really do matter and we’d better not cheap out. Considering Salvatore is paying, I don’t think cheaping out is an option. I take in a deep breath, listening as intently as I can without becoming overwhelmed. Just a few days ago I was a woman, now I am engaged to one of the most notorious hitmen in the world - if not the greatest. Isa is right about one thing. I am safe. As a matter of fact, I don’t think I’ll ever have to worry about being unsafe ever again. Honestly, he makes me feel safe.

It’s funny. I haven’t known the man that long, and he makes me feel safer than I’ve felt in a very long time. He promised me everything I needed, and I believed him. This will end one of two ways. I’ll either be a princess living in a fairytale world, or the most disappointed woman on the planet.

“Do you have your wedding planned?” I ask Isa, purely from curiosity. We talk about a lot of things but we’ve never been the type to talk about our fairytale weddings.

She nods her face quickly, “Oh, yes! I will wear a beaded gown in a champagne color. It’ll be amazing. Calla lilies will coat the centerpieces and bouquets.” She stops in the middle of her ramble and looks at me with sadness, “I don’t even know why I have this planned. It’s not like my father has anyone picked for me. I thought I’d be married by now.”

“Salvatore has a brother, I think…” I blurt out, breaking the tension and hoping it’ll make her laugh. When she cracks up, I know that I’ve done my job.

“I do,” he confirms, his voice popping out of nowhere and causing both of us to jump.

Isa turns towards him before looking back to me. “You better take care of her, guard her with your damn life. You hear me? She’s too precious to lose, and we’ve come too close already.” While her voice is stern in that ‘don’t hurt my best friend’ tone, she starts to falter and voice begins to choke up. Yep, this is my best friend.

Isa’s phone goes off, and she digs in her pocket, making a displeased face and hops up. “I’ve gotta get going. Walk me to the door?” she asks, looking at me. I rise from the chaise and walk her down the hallway to the door. That’s when she looks at me with a stern filled expression.

“Aria, I know you’re probably freaking out because so much has changed over the last few days. Hell, you’ve had an awful few months. I don’t blame you for being afraid or freaked out or whatever it is that’s going on in this head of yours, but give him a chance. He’s a good one. I can tell,”

“I’m trying to,” I reply, and I am.

“I know you probably feel damaged from everything that’s happened, but you aren’t. Don’t let your past dictate your future. Don’t let those animals take anything else away from you. That man,” she points down the hallway, “is what every mafia woman hopes for. He is the golden ticket of safety and protection, plus he’s sexy and we’re all envious of you now, but you get my point.”

“Yes, I do.” I laugh, wrapping my arms around her in a quick hug.

She smiles as she pulls away, “Okay. I have to get going, but I’ll come back soon to check on your impending doom.”

“You’re ridiculous,”

“And that’s why you love me!” she sings as she leaves my condo.

Isa is right. Salvatore is everything that a mafia woman wants and desires. But is he what I want and desire?
