Page 6 of Deceit

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Chapter Six


Day in and day out, my life is on a constant repeat. There is nothing that changes. I hate myself for the things that I have to accept, the things that I have to allow them to do to my body because I have no other option. If I refuse, I will die. There is not a doubt in my mind about that, and for some reason I’m not willing to give up on myself quite yet. I think I’ve been here for weeks, hell it could even be longer, but there is no way for me to tell. No clocks. No phones. Nothing. The only thing that tells me the days have changed is when the sun goes up and comes back down. I stopped counting after thirty five. It became too much work, and too sad to realize the number of days I’ve been here without any help from my family.

I thought for a while that they’d come to save me, whisk me away like some action movie, but I’m wrong. They aren’t coming, and it’s sad that I know that. What’s worse though, the fact that I know it, or that I’ve accepted it?

A short while ago I was given some sort of oatmeal combination, it smelled awful, however, I know that I must keep my strength up, so I ate it. Since then I’ve been sitting in the corner of my room, hands wrapped around my legs holding myself together. I’m afraid this position is the only one I sit in these days, the only way that I feel somewhat guarded. Even with my bum knee I deal with the pain, clenching my teeth when it gets bad but reminding myself that the pain is a reminder that I’m alive.

I allow myself to close my eyes, hoping that I can get a short nap in. Only a few moments later the iron door to my room flies open and slams shut behind it. Already, I wonder to myself. As I glance up I see that there are three men in here with me. One is big, it’s Mao, who is Cheng’s right-hand man. The other two are men who frequently come here, spilling their seed deep inside of me.

Mao comes stomping over to me, wraps his hand around my neck, and squeezes. I watch as the stern line of his mouth forms into a smile, dragging me up he slams me into the metal wall, and I feel my cheek being caught by something. Suddenly, a burning feeling spreads across me, and I feel warmth. I’m bleeding, damn metal must’ve caught my face somehow. I have one hand on my neck trying to pull his hand away, barely able to pull a breath in while the other goes to my cheek, trying to stop the bleeding. I don’t think the cut was deep but feel the thickness of my blood spreading across my face.

He pulls my knee back, dropping his hand from my neck, and I scream bloody murder, never feeling anything this awful in my entire life. That is, until he slides himself inside of my ass. This is the worst feeling that I’ve ever felt, being stretched wide in a way that I know I’m not supposed to, the friction of his movements making me whimper in agony. Blood spreads across my face as tears intermix with it. Mao grunts and groans in pleasure as I clench my teeth and close my eyes, praying to God that it will be over with soon. That’s when my hair is yanked down and one of the other men’s cock’s is shoved in my mouth. I breathe slowly through my nose as he slams himself down my throat, something that I’ve had to learn how to do or else I’ll pass out. But maybe it would be better for me to do that, to pass out and not have to remember the ways that they’re violating my body.

Out of nowhere, Mao says something to the other one. I don’t speak their language, so I don’t know what he’s ordering him to do, and I only say order because he sounds authoritative. Suddenly, the third has his hand squeezing my clit, and I feel my body do something that it never has. I don’t know how to explain this...this warmth that’s taking over me. It feels odd but not because I’ve never felt it before, because I think that I shouldn’t be feeling this with them. This is something that I know in my heart should only happen with my husband, and for a moment my mind drifts off into what my life may look like if I ever get out of here. Will I even be married off now? I probably won’t. I know what will happen if I go back to my family, how they will look at me differently. Especially my father. I might even be too damaged to be of value to the family anymore.

I’m brought back into the moment when I feel someone slamming their cock into my pussy, every hole inside of me filled, and I feel disgusted, bile boiling up at the bottom of my throat. All of them moving, feeling their filthy hands all over me, touching me in ways that no one should. I can’t do this anymore.

I make a gagging sound to where the man in front of me doesn’t move an inch, continuing to thrust inside me for a few moments until the contents of my stomach cover him. He gasps, running out of the room, while Mao and the other man chuckle, continuing to do their business until they release themselves inside of me and leave the room. Only for me to find comfort in the silence.


Hours pass before the door opens again, the only difference is that I’m about five minutes into a crying fit. It happens every night whenever I can see the moon through the small window, reminding me that I’ve gone through another day of this agony. I miss my family. I miss my home. I miss Isa.

The stomping of his feet tell me that it’s Mao, and my thoughts are confirmed when he bends down to look at me, his hand grazing across the torn side of my face. He places a small box on the concrete and opens it, pulling out what looks to be an alcohol wipe. Opening it, he runs it across my jagged skin, and I hiss at the way it burns. The both of us maintain eye contact as he cleans me up, or tortures me. I’m not really sure which it is.

For the first time since I’ve been here I grow some sort of backbone and look at Mao. I know that he understands English, and I know that Cheng had left earlier today. “He told me he is taking me away,” I murmur, looking up at him. “He said he’s putting me in some farm in China and that I’ll never see you again.” I’ve never played a trick like this on him, thinking that there’s no way in hell I’d be able to fool him. After today, I know that if I don’t at least try to get out of this place, I will end up dying here, and I don’t want that to happen. Even though the life I may now live is unknown, it’s still a life that I want to live. Cheng might think he’s taken everything from me, but he hasn’t taken my will to survive.

I’m a Funar. What I’m not is a weak bitch.

Since I know my family won’t save me, it’s about damn time that I learn to save myself.

He looks at me and then to the door. “No. He will kill you. There is no farm.” His accent is so thick that I can barely understand him, but I take note at the way he looks at the door, almost signaling me to open it. He lowers his voice before continuing, “He has made his point with you. Go,”

I stare at him, blinking my eyes.

“Go before I change my mind.” I shoot up onto both feet, pain skyrocketing from my leg up my entire body. I want to sit back down, but I know that this is the only chance I will ever get, and I’m taking it. I make my way to the door, opening it slowly so that it doesn’t make much noise. I haven’t seen outside this room in weeks, almost forgetting what it looks like. Thankfully, it’s still the dead of night and most of his minions are asleep. I only ever hear a few up and around during these hours. I slide through the door and look for the closest opening, seeing the garage door bay on the far side and a light on it. Shit. They’ll be able to see me if I go out through there. I know he has security watching the warehouse, so I have to be smart.

Scanning the area, my eyes dart from door to door, looking for anything that will spark my memory.

That’s when I see it! A side door that leads outside, there is a small bit of light shining on the other side, but I know I can make it. I have to make it!

I begin my trek, walking slowly as I bite my lip to keep myself from whimpering. I don’t want anyone to be able to hear me. It’s now that it hits me I’m naked. I’ve been naked for so long I’m used to it. I don’t care if I’m naked and running the streets of Los Angeles, I really don’t give a damn. The first goal is to get out of this warehouse, second is to have a way to call my brother, and the third is to get some clothes.

I make it over to the door, hearing and seeing no one in sight. I place my hand on the door and rip it open, running with all of the life left inside of me, making sure that I’m staying in the darkest areas possible.


A gunshot is fired, and I know instantly that I’m caught, they know what I’m doing and they’re going to kill me. Somehow, someway my body keeps moving. My legs dart out one in front of the other even with the sounds of multiple shots being fired. I know that I need to move. I have to. There is no other choice.

More and more shots are being fired behind me, unable to keep the screams in, I let them loose. I’m damn well terrified right now, more scared than I’ve ever been in my entire life. I run straight through the open gap where the delivery trucks would come in at, hearing Chinese being screamed behind me, but suddenly it stops, and when I turn around I see a body on the ground.

That’s when it hits me.

I’m not alone.

Someone is here, watching out for me.
