Page 31 of Love is War

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Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d be here, looking down at my wife with her long, blonde hair sprawled out behind her back, sleeping like she hasn’t been able to shut her eyes in years. At this rate, I don’t think either of us will be anytime soon. She’s not the only one asleep in our room, though. Our twin boys, Ivan and Artem, are sound asleep just like their mother in their bassinet, both cuddled together.

Vera argued with me tooth and nail about the two of them sleeping together, telling me that it was better for them. They’d stayed together for so long inside of her body so they’d continue to do so until they grew sick of one another. I didn’t even bother arguing with my strong-willed wife. Anyone who does gets their tongue cut off anyway, or so she threatens.

A light rap comes to my door, and I slowly approach it, careful not to awaken anyone. Placing my hand on the knob, I gently pull it open to see Fredrig. “Rhys, you have a Mr. Dalca here.”

I run my hand over my mouth, knowing exactly who’s here to see me. There’s no mistaking the name Dalca, but why would Stefan be here?

“Put him in the study and tell him I’ll be there in a moment,” I say to Fredrig, who disappears down the hall to do as I’ve asked him. I’m able to get myself out of my bedroom without waking anyone up, which is a rare occasion in this house, and head downstairs to greet my old friend. Make no mistake, Stefan and I are not close. What we are is the type of friends who use one another when we need to. Friends who owe each other countless favors, and unlucky for me, I happen to owe Stefan quite a few.

I enter my study and see him looking out to the garden. “It’s a beautiful home you have here, in a lovely city.”

“Yes, well, it is my wife’s home. I tried to talk her into moving to Russia, but she was having no part of it. She grew up here and would never leave.”

Stefan chuckles, “Rumor has it you have the toughest wife of all the head Clan members.”

“That would be an accurate assessment.” I go silent for a moment, surveying my friend and decide to cut to the chase. “We both know you aren’t here to talk to me about Vera. What can I help you with, my friend?”

Stefan turns to face me, crossing his arms. “One of the many things I admire about you, Rhys, is that you always cut to the chase. You’re never one to pussy foot around and I respect you for that.”

“Why waste time?” I comment.

“Exactly. Naturally, you know I’ve come here unannounced because I need your help.”

“Naturally,” I reply.

“I need you to help arrange something for me,” he starts off, wagging his eyebrows up and down. “Are you still friends with Viktor?”

Viktor...there is no mistaking who he’s speaking of.

“I’ve never been friends with Viktor. We have been business associates when we’ve needed to be.”

“Eh, you know what I mean. Would you be able to persuade him to pick the cream of the crop for me?”

We’re only part way into our conversation, and already Stefan isn’t making any sense. Viktor is the type of man who abducts women for the sales on the black market. These women are sold into slavery to very powerful families. Some are for the men, some are for the women, and some are for both. “What do you want with a slave girl?” I ask him, needing to know what he’s doing. My curiosity is getting the best of me.

“I don’t want just any slave, my friend. I want Presley Bennett, and Viktor will get her for me, no doubt.”

I take a few steps towards him, “Have you lost your mind? You want Viktor to abduct Presley Bennett, the heiress of Bennett Energy? For what, exactly?”

“Oh, come on, dear friend. You aren’t that dumb. My father has made it a point that I’m to marry Isabella, that virgin girl whose father is the accountant for one of the Clans. I’m not going to marry her. Fuck it, I’m refusing to. Instead, I’ll be marrying Presley Bennett, after Viktor does his job, of course.”

“I don’t understand what your plan is.”

He snickers, “You don’t have to. I’m simply giving my father a big fuck you, while making a few decisions to make my future a little brighter. Now, can you arrange what I need Viktor to do?”

I think long and hard for a moment. “If I do this for you, it is the last favor I ever owe you.” I may be a bastard, but I cross the line at abducting women into slavery.

“You’re a smart one. Fine. This is the last favor you owe me. Now, can you get it done?”

I nod. “Yes. I just need to know when she’ll be going out of town for Viktor to arrange the pick up.”

A devilish smile flashes across Stefan’s face. “Oh, don’t worry. I’m known to stir a pot a bit. I’ll just use a big enough spoon to have her fly the coop for a bit, and then Viktor can do everything I need him to. Well, while it’s been lovely I have a few pressing matters to get to.”

Finally, it clicks in my brain. “Like abducting your future wife?”

“Something like that!” Stefan chuckles, walking past me he exits my study.

Jesus. I thought I’ve always been a bit fucked up, and then I remember Stefan and realize I’m not that bad. Shit’s about to hit the fan.
