Page 5 of Love is War

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Chapter Three


“You’re going to like the news I have brought you.” I want to scoff at the idiot and his choice words, but I don’t. Hawkeye is nothing but a puny man, one who thinks he’s more important than he actually is. He thinks he’s that stupid superhero or something. A name like Hawkeye? Psh. He’s not even as handsome as Jeremy Renner.

“Jesus. Spit it out. I pay you for information, not for you to flap your jaws and waste my time.” Hawkeye is a young American man, but he is just like the rest. Thinks his shit doesn’t stink and that he’s untouchable. Cocky as hell. Have I mentioned how I don’t like Americans?

“Rhys bought the mansion on the outskirts of town. He’s been doing quite a few renovations since he’s been there, and my birds tell me that his house will run out of food soon, which means he’ll have to run to the market.” Hawk’s birds - they’re his eyes. People who report back to him and give him information. Why they do this, I am unsure. I know that he can’t be paying them money. He is not well off, that’s for sure. And I don't know whether I want to know what is used as payment.

“It doesn’t mean he will go. He has a staff as any man of his stature would. Why would he not send them?”

Hawkeye smiles, signifying that he knows quite a bit. “How would it look to the people if he sent his employees? That is not why he’s here. He’s here to take back the Ukraine for his Romanian King and Queen. How would he do such a thing if the people do not respect him? Why would they respect a man who pays others to do something as simple as get groceries?”

I huff quickly, realizing that he is being smart by making choices such as this. “I will just have to make a visit to Rhys. Now, won’t I?”

I don’t wait for a response from him, heading out of my small apartment, I dart down the stairs and walk towards Rhys’ new home. I refuse to take a car everywhere, even if it is chilly out. The people need to see my face. They need to know that I am never going to be a leader who abandons them. They will see me walk the streets just as they do every day. I am no higher than them, and I am no lower than them. We are of the same, and that is how I have their respect and adornment. The walk will take me a good ten minutes, but I don’t mind. It gives me the time to think of what I will say to him, of how I will push this outsider back to his homeland. There is no place for Rhys Albu, or his Romanian King and Queen, in my country. No room for them to stir up trouble and ruin everything that I have built, taking down the great strides we have worked years for. No, there will be none of that. Over my dead body.

My legs move faster than I intend, my body knowing that I am a woman on a mission. I have cleansed most of the filth from this country and will continue to do so until no man, woman, or child has to worry about their loved one not coming home. Sadly, it’s not violence that kills us. It’s something much worse. We Ukrainians are at war, but not one with guns and knives. Instead, they are replaced by needles, powder, and now pills. My nemesis is addiction in its finest form. Many have told me that this is a battle I will not win, but look at all I have accomplished. If I ever see those people who doubted me ever again, I will laugh and spit in their face for their pessimism.

I approach the gate that leads to the mansion and tug on the iron door. It doesn’t budge, and I see that Rhys has put a lock on it. Screw the fucking lock. I look around quickly and know exactly what it is I will do. I position my right foot on the stone and hook my left hand on the iron, holding onto it so it helps boost me up when needed. Taking in a heavy breath, I focus all of my strength on pulling some next level mutant ninja shit. Somehow, I manage to get myself at the top of the stone before my ass gets to the other side. Not by the way I planned, though. Nope, my ass landed there. Oh well. I never claimed to be a graceful bitch. Placing my hands underneath me, I rise from the ground and walk straight towards this bastard’s front door.

Pounding my hand against the wood, I wait for someone to answer it. Surprisingly enough...I don’t see one security guard around. Isn’t that interesting…

I stare at the peeling paint and am startled when the door is yanked open. “Who are you!?” a burly man asks me.

Ah. Here’s the security guard. I just didn’t assume Rhys’ security would be an imbecile.

“Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” I walk straight into the house like I own it, heading into the room on the right and plant my ass on the couch.

“Y-you can’t be in here!”

“I can be anywhere I damn well want to be. In case you haven’t heard, I own this country. Now, go fetch your boss little errand boy. He and I have a few things to discuss.” I wave my hand at the man, dismissing him like nothing but a small bug and he flies away.

“I have to admit. I figured we’d come face to face sooner or later. I just didn’t know you’d show up in my home.” There’s no denying it - I’m speaking to Rhys Albu. I haven’t even seen his damned face yet, and by the tone of his voice, I can tell this man thinks that he’s the cream of the crop.

I whip my face in his direction, “You should know that this isn’t your home. No part of the Ukraine will ever be your home. This is my land, Romanian. Do not ever forget that. My word is law, and for the ones who choose to disobey me...well...they get what they deserve. I know you want things from us, but I don’t give a fuck. Get out of my country before I slit your throat with my finger nail.” I hold up my hand, showing this bastard my daggered nails. He might think I’m kidding, but I’m not fucking with him.

His eyes narrow, and he looks at me as if he either wants to fuck me or strangle me until I can’t breathe. I’m not sure with this one. “Understand this, street rat. I will get what I want even if it’s the last thing I do. You might think you’re the one with the power here, but you aren’t and you won’t ever be. You’re just a little girl who was abandoned by her father. Fuck, he couldn’t even put up with you. How would the people here? All you are is a temporary problem, and I’m the solution.”

I shoot up from my seat, crank my hand back and slam it against his face quicker than he realizes what’s happening. Digging my nails into his cheek, I stare at him straight in the eyes, not wavering for a moment. “You’re adorable, thinking you know about my life. The next time you try to use my father against me, get your facts straight. If you want to tear me down, Romanian, you will have to do much better than that pathetic attempt. I’m not as weak as you think I am, but I know I can’t say the same for you.” I move my eyes along the features of his face, taking in his high cheekbones, green eyes and flawless skin. “You, on the other hand, are nothing but a porcelain doll. I like to break dolls. Get out of my home before I break you, Albu.”

I remove my hand from his face and head out the way I came, not wanting to stay in that room a moment longer with him. I came here to get a point across and I’ve done that.

I just wish the bastard didn’t bring up my father. Now I’ll be thinking of him for the rest of the night, and every small moment that lead up to the start of my life.

The start of my reign.
