Page 12 of Defiant

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Chapter 9


I knew I wanted her before I set my eyes on her in person because of her name. Many people might not realize how much power their names truly hold, but hers does. She’s almost as powerful as me, if not more. She’s well worth the two million dollars, but little does anyone on this ship know that they haven’t gotten a dime. I spilled a small, white lie in order to get Presley, and seeing that Lajos won’t be coming around and causing issues, they believe I’ve given him the bag with the money. The only thing that’s left to do now is to get the two of us off this ship as quickly and quietly as possible.

A surprised expression crosses her face as the hired hand Lajos has leads her towards me. It’s not like she believes that she’s lost, but if anything, she seems determined after her quick moment of shock. Yep, I can’t help but think that this woman is every bit of what I want. She’s not the type of woman that rolls over easily, and I never want her to.

In my life I have always searched for a woman who would counter me, who will be an amazing partner, not just in between the sheets, but in business. I’ve seen her speak publicly against her father, and I know she has a strong head on her shoulders based on her schooling and interviews. She’s the type of woman who handles herself with grace while still getting her point across. Presley Richards will become Presley Dalca very soon, and it’ll only be the beginning of the plan I have for her.

The man brings her over and pulls out a chair for her, but I shake my finger. “No, we’re not staying,” I state clearly as I stand.

He looks over me with confusion, and I know the expression that crosses his face. He’s trying to figure out why I want to leave already. She’s only the third girl who’s been put up. “I only came here for one today, and I have her. Now, if you’ll take the contraption off from around her neck, we’ll be on our way.”

She stares at me the entire time the man is fiddling with the collar around her neck. I’m sure she’s trying to assess what I want. Maybe she’s wondering who I am or how she fits into this picture.

“C’mon, Pumpkin,” I order, snapping my fingers as I start walking towards the double doors at the entrance of the room. Turning back, I make sure she’s behind me and see she’s almost right on my heels. Good, she listens. This is something I can use to my advantage.

I’ve thought long and hard about what I’ll tell Presley and what I won’t. For so long, I debated letting her know that I orchestrated this entire thing, but I don’t want to do that. I think it’ll give her cause to hate me before she even gets to know anything about me. Yes, I hired Lajos to kidnap her and put her in this situation, only for me to purchase her in front of plenty of people, making it appear like what I’ve done isn’t actually what’s gone on. I won’t ever be able to admit this aloud, but because of my hand in it, I feel guilty for the shit she’s had to endure. At least now I can guarantee her safety and make sure no one else dares to act like certain others have.

“We have to go up two flights of stairs to get to the heli-pad. Will you be okay in your heels?” I ask, turning back to look at her.

The way she rolls her eyes at me and scoffs is enough to give me a hard on right now. Fuck me sideways. I’ve seen photos of her before. I’ve watched her on videos, and still nothing can compare to the unmistakable beauty that is before my eyes. It’s not just because of her good looks, but her attitude that comes with it. We’ve been face to face for less than five minutes, and I believe it’s already her most precious quality. I charge up the stairwell and can’t help but think about her outfit.

Presley is in some pink gown with a soft, nude pink lip. It doesn’t make me think of her in the least bit. “I don’t think pink is your color,” I tell her, reaching the top of the stairs, I place my hand on the railing and look back towards her.

“Gee, thanks, asshole.”

“My name’s Stefan. I didn’t mean for it to come out so crass. I only mean that pink doesn’t suit you. A strong color like sapphire blue, emerald green, or red does.”

She nods, placing her hand on the railing. “Typically, I’m in those power colors. It’s not like I got much of a choice here, though. Bastards dressed me up like a fuckin’ Malibu Barbie.”

I snicker at her complaint, “Well, I’ve already arranged for a large variety of clothing to be in your room. Hopefully, you’ll like what you see once we get home.”

“Home?” she repeats, sounding sickened by the thought.

A small gust of wind blows against us from where we stand, causing her hair to whisk in the motion. I need to get my shit together and not keep thinking about her this way, seeing her natural beauty. I should be irritated that she just got sassy with me, but it only makes me want to sink my cock deep inside her and bury my cum deep within her walls.

Fuck, I’ve lost my damn mind. Never have I wanted that with any woman, and here I am, meeting Presley for the first time, and craving it like some horned up teenager. “You should consider yourself lucky to be coming home with me. If you only knew what types of things happen to the others.”

“I shouldwhat? Is that a joke? You just bought me like a fucking designer bag from the store, and I’m supposed to bethankful. Are you stupid? What do you think I’m going to do, kneel on the ground and kiss your feet forsavingme from this? You’re ridiculous.”

I try not to allow my inner demons to get the best of me, but they do. I take my hand and wrap it firmly around her neck, squeezing as I tell her how this is going to work. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Personally, I’d much rather do things the easy way, pumpkin. Do me a favor and don’t get shit twisted. I bought you, which means you are mine. Whatever life you think you had before this moment doesn’t matter. You’re my property now, and that’s all that matters. You’ll see that you will have an extraordinary life with me, and I’ll treat you with respect and dignity as long as you deserve it. The moment you disrespect me, well, I’ll do what I’m doing now and then some.”

I rip my hand from her throat and grab her arm, tugging her up another set of stairs with me, and we both walk on the helipad. The moment Silva sees me, he’s starting the engines. I put Presley ahead of me and put her head down, forcing her to stay low while I walk right against her, shielding her from the massive gusts of wind that the helicopter is causing. I open the back door and get her in, buckling her up and put her headset on before I shut the door and walk towards the front of the helicopter. I open the door, hop in my seat, and shut it behind me, getting myself situated just before Silva takes off.

“So, what’s your name?” Silva asks through the headset, glancing back to Presley for a moment.

“Apparently it’sProperty,” she seethes, glaring right at me.

Fuck, I don’t know how long I’m going to last without fucking her. It’s like she’s practically begging me for it.
