Page 14 of Defiant

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Chapter 11


I left Presley alone for a few hours after I came back home. Honestly, I needed time to get my shit together and make sure this priest had everything he needed. This guy only allows people to pay him in the American Dollar, and thank fuck I have a safe in here with strapped money from various countries. I paid him ten thousand to forge this paperwork and authenticate that Presley and I eloped last night, saying he married us, and both Silva and Rodriguez were witnesses to our union.

“How has she been?” I ask Rodriguez who’s eating a bite in the kitchen when I walk through for my own snack.

“A bitch, but I’m seeing that’s a common trend when it comes to her. She’s refused to eat all day,” He looks down at his own food. “It’s a shame, ‘cause this is delicious.”

“Are you eating her food?”

“Yeah? She wasn’t going to, and no way was I letting Antonia’s good food go to waste.” I smack him on the back of the head, hearing Antonia snicker from the other side of the kitchen.

“Antonia, can you make Presley some pancakes, eggs, and maybe bacon? It’s quick, plus it should be somewhat nutritious. If she’s not eating for you, maybe she’ll eat if I take it to her.”

“I don’t know if she’ll eat it, Mr. Dalca, but I’ll be sure to whip something up for her. I’ll add a small fruit cup too. That might pique her interest a bit.”

“Thank you,” I murmur. Going into the fridge, I grab the massive bowl where we have our freshly cut fruit and eat quite a bit of it while I wait on Antonia to finish Presley’s food.

Silva walks into the kitchen and comes up beside me, sticking his hand in the bowl, popping pieces of fruit into his mouth. “Damn, is everyone hungry at the same time around here, or is it just me?”

“Do you not realize we all eat when you do? It’s the only time we get to eat because of your crazy schedule.”

Shaking my head. “No, I didn’t have a clue.”

Silva scoffs. “Typical. You only pay attention to yourself.”

“Oh, don’t be like that with your sensitive bullshit,” I grumble.

“Mr. Dalca, it’s almost ready. Do you want to give her some fresh juice too?” Antonia might not realize it, but I see how she’s trying to pull Silva and I away from each other so we don’t lose our shit and get into a fight. While he’s one of my closest men, we tend to butt heads far too often. Whenever Antonia witnesses us getting a little too close to the edge, she’ll pull one of us away from the other.

In a way, Silva is kind of like the brother I never had.

Walking over to where Antonia is, I grab a cup from the cabinet and open the refrigerator door, pick up the pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, and pour a glass. I put everything away and see Antonia has everything sitting pretty on a tray. I place the glass in the area designated for a cup and lift the tray off the counter.

“Thank you,”

“No problem, sir. Hopefully, Miss Presley will decide it’s time to eat.”

I’ve lost hope because I know the devil that I’m dealing with. Walking out of the kitchen, I cross through the living room and head through the back hallway that leads to her room. At first glance, I’m blindsided, seeing as there aren’t any guards outside her door, and yet, it’s open.

I walk right up to it and see her sitting on the edge of her bed reading a book. “You hungry?”

She peers up from the pages. “Oh, you haven’t gone and fucked yourself yet?”

“I’m afraid not, I’ve been a little busy. Thought you might be hungry, though.”

Entering her room, I approach her and sit the tray next to her on the bed. She picks up the plate and looks at me like she wants to throw it right at my face. “I know you want to aim that at me, but you haven’t eaten since you’ve been here, and Antonia keeps spending a lot of time trying to make sure you have decent food to eat. It would mean a lot to her if you at least ate a few bites.”

“Why would I want to eat anything here? You have me caged up like a dog!” she roars, tossing the plate at me. I swiftly move to the right ,and it goes crashing into the wall behind me. Fuck it. I’m done with this shit!

I charge up to her and jump on top of her, wrapping my hand around her throat. “You don’t fucking learn, do you? Stop acting like a spoiled little brat, and I’ll start treating you a lot nicer.” Presley doesn’t utter a word, but instead, stares at me with nothing but outrage.

“Fuck!” I roar, getting off her. I dig into my pocket and pull out a diamond ring, sliding it forcefully on her finger. “Just so you’re aware, I’ve had a priest sign paperwork stating he married us yesterday.”

“What?! What in the fuck!?” Presley screams, jumping off the bed as I walk towards the door. “How did you even know my name?!”

“I had the bag that they took you with. Your name was inside it,” I lie straight through my teeth so she doesn’t catch on to what I already know.

“I’ll make it simple, Presley. I needed to marry a strong woman who can hold her own. There was no better choice for me than a slave. As time passes, I may tell you more information, but you’ll have to earn the right to that information. Just know, you’re no longer Presley Richards. You’re Mrs. Stefan Dalca.”

I leave her alone in her room with her mouth hanging open, shocked beyond measure. Surely, she’ll start treating me a bit better. After all, ‘til death do us part.
