Page 19 of Defiant

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Chapter 16


"What the fuck! " I roar, not caring that the entire room full of wedding guests can hear me curse. Thank fuck that there are so many bodyguards here; not just my men but also Mariana and Ion’s as well as Marcel's and Anton's. There was no way that they were going to let this bitch that had claimed to be my new wife's friend kill her before we even got to consummate the marriage. I immediately order those who have tackled her to the ground to get her into my office. I have a wife possibly going into shock and an entire house full of wedding guests to deal with before I can handle the psychopath that came to ruin this wedding.

Anton comes up to me as Mariana and Ion disappear following their men as well as mine into my office with the harlot in question. I feel the anger boiling up in me to the point that I'm not going to be able to control it.

"Dalca, you didn't say there was going to be entertainment," Anton jokes, but his face is serious as he continues. "Why don't you let me handle getting all these people out of here safely. Marcel and I can work together. You go worry about your wife." I turn around to her, and she looks like a million different emotions right now.

"My friend just tried to fucking kill me on my wedding day." She doesn't even look me in the eyes when she says it, still staring at the spot where that Heather chick had the gun pointed at her head before. I know she's used to glitz and glam and drama, but not my level of drama, so I don't know how she will handle all this.

"Let my men get everyone out of here, and why don't we go get you in the suite to relax?" But that's when she turns to me, flames flashing through her eyes, and I know that this is going to go way different than I expected.

"No way in hell are you going to hold my friend hostage after she just tried to kill me, putting a gun to my head, and me not be a part of it. I want to know what the hell is going on.

I sigh. I didn't want her to have to get such as the close look at my lifestyle this soon. I wanted a chance for her to get used to me as a person first, but that is not the way this is going to go. I don't have the power to fight her right now either because I am so ready just to blow heads off. And I don't need that to be directed at her right now considering it was her that almost died. Seriously what the fuck is going on in this circus?

As we try to pass through the crowd of people, one of her other friends stops her and grabs onto her. I leap in between them and hold my gun at his chest, but she shoves we away, hard.

"Oh my God, are you like, okay?" her friend asks - a man who looks like he might be from around here. Paulo, I remember her calling him. "I seriously thought she was just going to get up and leave, she was so sour this whole time. I had no idea she had a gun and definitely not that she would use it on you." The man that is with him, his boyfriend, I assume, keeps stroking him to calm him down.

My bride leans over and gives him a quick kiss on the cheek even though it was her that almost died. Yes, this is the strength that I have been looking for in a woman. I wouldn't get this with anyone else "You go back to your family for now, and I'll get a hold of you. It's going to be fine."

Then, she lets me lead her away to my office.

It is crowded in here now that we're in here along with Mariana, two of her men, Silva, and this woman named Heather who looks worse for the wear now that she has been manhandled by her henchmen. I don't exactly feel bad, in fact, I'm ready to rip her head right off her shoulders.

I go up to her and pull at her hair, ripping her head back so that her neck is stretched to the brink, ripping from her skull. This could easily be a sexual moment if this were my wife, but I would never harm her. I mean to harm this woman. I wish I could rip her guts out with my knife and show what she’s made of.

She grits her teeth and grunts through them trying not to show pain, but I know she is in much. She's already been roughed up by Mariana herself.

"What the fuck is going on, and who the fuck do you work for, you little bitch?"

It’s Mariana who speaks up first, apparently already getting her to talk. "For someone who has the balls to point a gun at a wife of a Clan member, she is awfully forthcoming and weak,” the queen scoffs. "She tells me that she was hired by some man who wants to get back at you, Stefan. I can't imagine how someone like you could possibly piss someone off bad enough to want you to watch your bride die in front of you on your wedding day."

I growl but then look up at Mariana and embarrassment ,catching her sarcasm. We have a history that I am not so proud of, and I pay for it in guilt every single day. The Petrans’ opinions of me are not very good after the way that I treated Mariana like she was property back before she decided to marry Ion.

"Don't get so testy,” she tells me," I am just fucking with you. It's in the past. Clearly this is the better woman for you than me, and I am with a better man. But what we need to figure out is who the hell you pissed off so badly, Stefan."

In this moment, I keep replaying over and over in my head watching a bleeding Lajos be shoved into the ocean with betrayal written all over his face. One of his men could have easily figured out that I did it, that I didn't pay, and come after me How they got such inside information I couldn't know. Of course, it probably has to do with this bitch.

I pull out my knife and put it against this chick’s throat. “Tell me who sent you,” I order her, sure to draw first blood, so she knows I am serious.

Recovering from the shock of it all, Presley speaks up. "Wait a minute, what the hell is going on, and what did she mean about the wife of a Clan member. What's a Clan? I mean, I figured a guy like you might be in some dirty dealings, but I don't understand would come after me and kill me. You purchased me fair and square."

"I don't want you to be between me and my rage right now, Presley, so I'm going to need you to shut the fuck up for a moment. We can talk about this later."

Instead of fighting with me, she looks at her friend. "Answer him, Heather. Answer him, or I'll make sure that he kills you. Because I am not understanding it at all how we went from growing up together to you pointing a gun at me at my wedding."

I press the knife in a little harder as she groans and nods her head. I take a bit of the pressure off so that she can talk. "I don't know his name,” she snaps. "He came to me while I was here with her in Brazil and told me to get my friends out of here for now. He told me that there would be some kind of wedding. He paid me a lot of money, but I didn't really need it or want it. I just wanted her out of the picture.” She pauses and looks at Presley in the eyes as she says the next part, and it takes everything in me not to rip her throat out like a fucking animal. I knew that Presley had some fucked up people in her life, but this has to take the cake. "You're like this crazy, spoiled, wild child, and yet, you get all of the attention. You get everything, and when you walk into a room people look at you. I have done everything to perfection, and here I am, still lesser than you. I am sick of spending my entire life in second place to you.”

I slap the cunt on the face then look at Mariana. "So, what are we going to do with her? She has no information for us. I don't know the name of the person responsible, but I can guess what they're pissed about. I'd rather not discuss this on my wedding day. I have a honeymoon to enjoy. Even you got that."

"No one is making any decisions here until I'm told what is going on. Why do you have so many enemies to worry about, and what does this woman have to do with everything?" Presley points to Mariana. I just want to take her out of here and away from all of this and start over, but the look on her face tells me that I'm not getting away with this tonight.

As if she knows I don't want to answer, it's Mariana who it does answer her. "I'm his boss, but this isn't a traditional job, if you catch what I mean. I think you can handle it; he really should have told you."

"This is some criminal shit, isn’t it?" Presley scoffs and throws her hands in the air. Unable to deal with this right now, I turn back to Mariana as we continue to discuss what we want to do with Heather. We could try to torture her more, but I don't think she's lying even though she is slimy little slug. But I don't know if we should kill her either, considering she was my bride's friend at some point. We already have enough animosity between us, and I don't want to add any more if she's going to learn to live in my house by my rules. There's a difference between being a fun kind of defiant and never being a wife to me because she despises me.
